| 19 | Wings of an Angel

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Naruto, instructed by Blacklight, delves deeper into his mind.

Not the hub that they use to commune, rather, the vast expanse that is the entirety of his existence; it is his mind.

His full conscious becomes enveloped by his projection within his mind that acts as himself whilst he visits the mindscape.

"Ugh," he groans as he first lays sight on what his mindscape had taken the form of. "Seriously? A sewer?"

Utilising water walking, Naruto treads carefully as to not get blasted by a whole load of water.

"At least it's clean and pure, and not actual sewage," Naruto mutters to himself. What do I do now?

Blacklight responds: "Wander around. See if you can find anything useful."

What kind of useful things? Naruto's face scrunches up, walking in one direction as he talks; the sewers seem endless.

"Stuff like the Energy Hub," the dragon replies matter-of-factly.

The what? Naruto incredulously inquires, his interest piqued.

"What I call 'the place where you can see your chakra network'," Blacklight states, again, in a matter-of-factly tone.

And this is where per se? Naruto inquires, alluding to his dilemma of where everything is located within his mindscape.

"It differs. Now, go!" Blacklight replies in a firm tone, before shutting off the connection.

In a huff, Naruto continues walking, before his foot catches on something, causing him to fall forwards.

A door! Naruto realises, landing on both feet, caught off-guard that he had ambled into it aimlessly as well as the fact that his shoes were not wet.

He had landed on solid ground. Looking up to the door, he observes it, and more specifically, the finer details.

It's a circular door, with three lines splitting it into thirds that connect at a smaller circle within the centre of the method of entry.

Within the centre of the circle is the kanji for 'identification', which glows eerily in the dark.

A massive rumbling sound akin to that of thunder reverberates throughout the sewers, before the door slides open, revealing infinite darkness.

It's my mind. Nothing can harm me, here, Naruto thinks, stepping through the door.

Looking down, he should be falling. Everything around him is a black that stretches for who knows how long?

He continues walking on air; solid ground evading him as the suspense builds just as a phenomenon comes into view.

It's an orb that gyrates internally with ethereal energy, but Naruto sees more than that.

This is my chakra.

It is a small sphere on a raised pedestal, an immense power exuding from it that directly juxtaposes the orb's size.

Slowly but surely, invisible brush strokes paint radiant colours that lead off like a spider's web, filling the empty void with streaks of beautiful gradients.

Naruto's vision centres around the sphere. Namely, the colours displayed within it.

Half of it is covered with a holy white, blinding in nature and simply dazzling with the added flecks of gold.

The remaining half is a dark blue that fluctuates alongside the white, symbolising a mutual bond and unrest.

However, a malevolent thickness in the air remains, like a residue full to the brim with hatred, undiluted and a blazing flame out of control.

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