1. Driving with the windows down the wind rushing through your hair, ocean roaring at the coast, saltwater smiles and sunburned skin; asking for a kiss that is sweet like cherry popsicles melting on your tongue, like the innocence of the first heart to beat in time to yours; reaching for the sun even though you know you will come back burned, being swallowed by a wave and washed up to shore, gasping smiling, laughing with seaweed tangled in your fingers, reaching for their hand for the first time and blushing like you are five again, but this time you don't scream cooties and run to wash off your hands but instead wish they will never let go; the sand under your feet as you walk amongst mermaids, swimming in the vast expanse of the ocean at midnight, and feeling safe among the unknown; the feeling of being somewhere you know you shouldn't be but you want it even if it hurts.

2. Touching fingertips through chainlink fences, bleeding from scraped knees when you both tried to ride a skateboard at the same time, it was bittersweet to pick gravel out of our skin together; the hard part about everything, but the sweetness that comes after, like cracking the top of a creme brûlée with the back of a spoon, breaking everything but somehow making it better when you melt it all back together, a place that isn't perfect but it's you; an abandoned merry go round after the sun sets, the lights twinkling under unfettered growth, as it groans slowly turning, hindered by tendrils of ivy; something good that is hidden and broken but you know where to find it, and you know you don't need to fix it to enjoy it.

3. The secret spot between their ribs and their lungs where the light lays, where you find god and scripture in their veins, the crackling of electricity between fingertips; wanting to let go but being afraid to jump, even though you know you have wings and letting them unfold because when they are outstretched and your feathers intermingle with theirs it tastes like heaven; having everything taste like heaven when you are with them, suddenly even ice-cream is better, and water tastes like honey; painting the ordinary into unordinary with a single touch, a watercolor painting unfolding over canvas, the art of kintusgi, put me back together with gold; the feeling of a cloudless endless blue sky, wanting to build a home in their hands, thinking about the heaven of their chest as you lay in the back of a truck watching the sun unfold it's golden rays, and ambrosia hues over the light blue horizon; the cold breath of a new morning; the feeling of knowing no matter what it is going to be okay and that everything is beautiful, but nothing more than them.

4. Giving but with boundaries, fences lined between hearts, the fear of being too much or too little; that sinking disappointed feeling in your heart when your dandelion blows away before you can make a wish, getting the smaller piece of cake, dropping your ice-cream after only eating half; being afraid of giving because you aren't sure what you are getting back; being okay with being picked last because you still get to play, getting a shirt you didn't want but love anyways, the warmth and sweet gooeyness of underbaked brownies; knowing that some may find you too much or too little but finding the one that knows you are just right; not being afraid of taking a leap but instead of flying through the air getting a mouth full of dirt and laughing anyways; knowing you will get hurt but finding the good in it.

5. Wanting someone so bad it hurts, it burns more than that time you spilled hot coffee on your lap, more than sunburn and scrapes, more than that cut on your lip or that bruise on your thigh, it hurts so much but you can't put a bandaid on it; going to grab their hand but them turning away, and just barely touching their fingers, smiling but you just get a frown back, opening your heart but being told to close it; wanting to give anything for affection, infatuation, everything you got, just knowing they would like you if they gave you a chance, but you aren't getting a chance; getting a no back on your love note, getting your valentine returned; crying in a dark bathroom stall wishing you were not alive, calling yourself a fool, but you aren't a fool because opening your heart isn't foolish, but brave; giving all the good and getting all the bad, being selfless; the burning pain of unrequited love.

6. To be mortal, with your head in your hands and your heart in your throat.

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