Chapter 2

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A/N I forgot to say at the beginning that I don't not own the Harry Potter series, that honour go to our Lord and savior, on with the story

Draco woke to the smell of cleaning products and had a very uncomfortable, stiff back. Once he's eyes had adjusted to the darkness, he looked around the moon lit room and had only one thought was going through his head 'Damn it. I'm in the infirmary again!' He didn't think how exactly he got to said infirmary, as he was already halfway off of the god awful bed, when he look down expecting a some hospital pajamas, only to see he was still in he's school uniform.

"That's helpful." He muttered to him but the silence of the infirmary soon swallowed it up, as if he had never spoken. Draco sits on the edge of the awful hospital bed, his feet almost touching the icy tiled floor, yet he couldn't bring himself to stand. After sitting there, in the cold, Draco finally decides he can stand, why he couldn't stand before, he doesn't understand why.

Draco crosses to the infirmary door, with as much grace as he could muster, he was a Malfoy after all. Once he was over the threshold and in the corridor, he fond himself thinking about how he didn't really want to go back to the 8th year common room, because he knew that Pansy and Blaise was still be awake waiting for him, and they would ask questions like :

'Where have you been?'

'Have you been cutting again?'

'Do you need to talk about it, Draco?

Draco really hated that last question because his friends are giving him the chance to be vulnerable around them. The other reason he hates it is because his answer is always 'yes' but he can't say that, so he shrugs them off and pretends not to notice the hurt expression that flashes across their faces.

While he was thinking, he hadn't realised that his feet had been moving until they got to their decided location. It was the astronomy tower. How many times had he been up to grieve? How many times had he come up here to cut? How many times has he come up here thinking 'today is the day I do it, today is the day I'm set free'? Draco had lost count.

'Today is the day I'll do none of those things, at least not here. No, today I'm going to look at the stars.'

Draco made his way over to the balcony, turned his back to the fence around it and slid down, looking up all while doing so.

It felt weird, being up here where he was usually in pain or thinking about the pain other people must be going through, yet there he was, Draco Lucious Malfoy sitting in the tallest tower of Hogwarts star gazing.


It was only a whisper but he heard. Draco pulled his eyes away for the stars to look around tower, look for a face to put to the voice, only to find air.

'Great! Now I'm suicidal, depressed and crazy?! What a way to live!'

But he wasn't crazy because he definitely heard the rustle of a cloak.

'What the fu-'

Harry potter, it was always him, always following him around during 6th year, but now this was just weird. Harry Potter had just appeared in front of Draco holding some sort of cloak and piece of blank parchment. His face wore a puzzled expression.

"You didn't draw you wand?"

"Did you want me too?" Draco replied calmly, pulling on his mask along with his usual smirk

"I...will no,"

"Are you always this articulate?"

"I...wait, did you just quote a Disney movie?


He could feel himself tense "what's it to you, wonder boy?"

Harry looks awfully flustered by now, 'maybe he likes - no I can't think like that, I can't get my hopes up just to have them crushed, beside why would he like me?! Son of a death eater, hell I am a death eater myse-'


Draco was pulled out of my internal pity party and he just hummed in a response to show that he was listening.

"Why are you here, Malfoy?"

'Why am I here?' He look around as if he expecting an answer to jump out of the shadowy corners, until Draco looked up,


" mind...mind if I join you?"

"I don't own the sky, Potter."

"I have a name you know,"

"Is it golden boy?"



"No, and yo-"



Draco was standing now, he don't know why he so angry over nothing but he keep going.





Hi, I'm not dead sorry?
Word count:813
Did ya like my Disney reference?
No, to bad, expect more too come

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