Taking back my birth right and a deal

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Third P.O.V

"Y/n I can't believe you plan to go through with this idea of yours" Crow told the youngest kaiba sibling while both of them walk into the kaiba Corp building to the elevator past a person who try to stop them at first but was just ignored.

"Well Crow I've waited long enough to take back my company and then afterwards I plan to duel against Yusei for number 1 duelist in the world because I have honour as a duelist to up hold" Y/n tells Crow who did a 'hmm' sound and the elevator door open and both young men walk into the office and the guy behind the desk look up to see both of them and the man eyes landed on Y/n who got a cocky smirk on his face this man is Caleb Burnwood.

(I couldn't find a decent picture so think of that one character in any show, movie, video game or book that you just absolutely hate the most)

"Ahh mister Kaiba I see you are back, I see you brought a friend with you aswell as a friend of yours please join me for a drink and lets catch up" the male stood up from his chair with a cocky smile upon his face as he walked over to a cabinet full of fancy wines and such liquor from other place while both duelist  barely move from where they stand.

"I'm afraid I can't do that Burnwood, I'm here to take back what is my company and so article 15 will come into effect or have you forgotten that along with your age?" Y/n replies to the older male who shut the liquor cabinet and look at the young Kaiba with a surprise look on his face that was serious.

"Hmm you know full well that if you win the duel in article 15 you get this company back in your control and I step down, but you also know that if you lose you leave this building along with your last name" Caleb gets a smirk look on his face while Crows eyes widen at this, but Y/n seem unfaze by this and had a cold look on his face.

"Y/n-" "Crow I got this just back me u-" "take his smug fool down" Crow tells Y/n after interrupting one another and Y/n just nodded his head, the kaiba grab his duel disk putting it on and Caleb did with a old battle city duel disk and both put there decks in the duel disk, then the ceiling open up and the floor brought the three duelist up to the clear open sky and both draw there five cards.

(Cue song for match)

Y/n life points: 8000
Caleb life points: 8000

"I will start things off by summon out king of Dragons from my hand and then next I use flute of summoning dragons two bring out two Blue eyes white dragons and now they will form into Blue eyes twin buster dragon! Go merge your powers my dragons!" Both dragons flew into the sky and a bright light happen for a few moments before vanishing and in its place the twin headed dragon "then I will end my turn with one face down card, that's all for now" Y/n turn ends and Jack is looking at his friend field thinking of why he would use up all his resources on the first turn.

"Hmm impressive not, my turn I draw and from my hand I summon forth Gold Gadjet and then I will use it effect to bring out, Abuster dragon from my hand!" Two machine monsters appear on Caleb field

"Hmm impressive not, my turn I draw and from my hand I summon forth Gold Gadjet and then I will use it effect to bring out, Abuster dragon from my hand!" Two machine monsters appear on Caleb field

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