chapter two

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11: 58 PM, NOVEMBER 1984

"Hi, i'm steve." Y/n turned around to the voice, and looked up to see the boy with the brown eyes. She smiled slightly, not knowing what to do.

"I am Y/n." she replied. He smiled at her effort to talk to him, seeing that she was like Eleven was, a year ago, clueless and innocent. He held out his hand, seeing if she knew how to do a hand shake. She smiled, Funshine taught her this.

She shook his hand with fist bump and an ending explosion. Steve laugh and noticed her '004' tattoo. She giggled excitedly, finally something familiar. Funshine taught her a lot of things, how to use her manners, handshakes, how to tie her shoes, etc. They settled down once they noticed Eleven and Joyce.


Everyone was outside. Eleven went from Mike, to Y/n, grabbing her hands once more and looking into her eyes. She knew Y/n and Steve got along, she can tell because Y/n stayed near him when she wasn't near. She thought it was best for Y/n to stay with Steve while she closed the gate.

"I have to close the gate, I opened it. I'm going with Hopper, you stay with here with Steve. I'll come back and we can watch movies." She smiled, knowing Y/n was in love with movies but y/n frowned.

"Promise you will come back?" She replied, Eleven hugged her, replying with a 'promise', then letting go, looking at Steve who was coming over from the other side of the house.

"Steve, take care of Y/n while I'm gone." Eleven said, Steve was a little surprised, yet nodded. Even though she had powers, he couldn't just let Y/n walk around by herself while these dogs were eating people.

"El, let's go. it's time." Hopper said, she sighed, giving you a reassuring look and entered the car with Hopper. They watched Eleven and Hopper drive away, along with the Byers and Nancy. going back inside, cleaning up the house.

Y/n walked around looking at the passage ways Will drew. She watched from a distance, as Steve and Dustin full on were shoving a demo dog into the fridge, watching the teens fight with Steve. There was a noise from outside, a car noise.

"It's my brother. He can't know I'm here. He'll kill me, he'll kill us." Max said, sitting next to Lucas on the couch, watching Billy pull up. Steve was about to walk outside until you said something.

"Steve." Y/n said, worried on what's out there. He turned around once more, giving her a reassuring look. "it's fine. Mike, take her please." He said, Mike grabbed her hand, taking her to the window to watch Billy and Steve.

"Bad guy?" She asked Mike. Mike looked at her and swallowed, reminding him of Eleven.

"Yeah, bad guy." He replied. soon, Billy pointed to the teens in the window, Steve turned around. All of them ducked, Mike taking Y/n down with him. They went to the other side of the room as Billy busted through the door.

Bickering with Max, then attacking Lucas all while laughing like a maniac. Steve walked in, punching Billy once, he started bickering and yelling more and swinging at Steve. Steve ducked punching him until he reached the counter.

Billy was winning. He grabbing a plate and smashing it into Steve's head. Steve walked back, only to be punched and thrown across the room, getting beat by Billy.

Y/n decided she had enough, lifting up her hands, throwing Billy to the wall to the right, with her mind. Surprising the teens as blood rushed down her nose and to her lip. Quickly wiping it as Max made an injection into his neck, threatening him with a bat, and he passed out, max taking his keys. Once Billy was token care of, Y/n quickly went to Steve.

"Steve? Steve!?" Y/n said, shaking his unconscious body. "Y/n! he is passed out, we have to get to the tunnels." Dustin said, putting his hand on Y/n's shoulder. She nodded, as they got ready to burn down the tunnels.

They hopped into the car, speed driving to the opening of the tunnels as Y/n sat between Mike and Steve. Steve awoken, looking at Dustin. "Where's... where's Y/n?" Steve asked.

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