From Karate to Capoeira

Start from the beginning

“I knew you would ask, well you see, she ran away before the alpha got there. What no one expected was that when the alpha reached the infirmary his wolf would scent his mate, only to find an empty bed”

“Wow” said Ronnie “Poor Nate, he has been trying to find his mate for a really long time”

“How do you know him” I said, my wolf kind of jealous.

“He’s my cousin, my mum and his father are siblings, my mum moved to this pack when my father found her” said Ronnie noticing my wolf’s jealousy.

“That’s a story for another day” said her father. “We called you all here to see if you had heard anything, apparently Nate’s wolf felt that his mate was shot, again. And they’re going crazy trying to find their future Luna, we asked Joey to be here for two reasons. Number one, we knew he wouldn’t let Ronnie come alone” he said giving me a pointed look to which I gave him a sly smile “and two, since you have been a rogue for around the same time as her, we wanted to know if you had heard about her”

I honestly didn’t know what to say, so I told them the truth, I knew how much Ari wanted to find her mate, and I knew just by listening to that story that the rogue they were talking about was her, unless the series of unfortunate events that happened to her happened to some other girl, which I highly doubt.

Anyway, after story time, saying that everyone was socked would be an understatement. But I guess you could say that they understood, after all, who wouldn’t be scared of a pissed off alpha, even more if it was the alpha of Nocte Caelum, he is after all a very feared and respected alpha.

“And here I thought you would be useless” Said Ronnie’s dad.

“Dad” “Honey” said Ronnie and her mom at the same time with a reprimanding tone.

“What? I can bet you every male in this room thought the same” he said, to which he got approving nods from Ronnie’s brothers and they all got a slap on the back of their heads from Ronnie and her mom.

“Now that that’s settled, I think we should call Nate he is worried sick about his mate and the least we could do is tell him she’s ok don’t you think???” said Ronnie’s Oldest brother who I learned was called Oliver.

“And what are you going to say to him, I mean, I also think we should tell him but I don’t want to scare Ari when she wakes up, she’s been through enough and waking up surrounded by strangers is not something that I think is on top of her to do list” I said.

“We’ll take care of that” said Christina, Ronnie’s mom “why don’t you take the chance and hang out with Ronnie” and then she hugged Henry aka Ronnie’s dad.

That actually did sound good, I mean, I absolutely adore spending time with Ronnie and I am planning on taking every chance I get to spend time with her.

“I would really like that, that’s if, she agrees of course” I said looking at Ronnie with the same look I’m sure I get every time I see her, pure love and adoration.


*Alpha Nathan’s POV*

 (A/N: this is a couple of hours later after Ronnie’s parents talked to his parents and notified them)

I felt someone trying to reach me through the mind link and I tried to ignore them for a while but man are they insistent so I finally answered (very pissed I would say)

“What” I said/growled.

“Son we have news on your mate” said my father and I swear I have never been more interested in a conversation more.

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