Meet Ryuzaki

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Disclaimer time... I DO NOT OWN THIS!!! Much to my displeasure... But alas, there are a great many things I wish to own. And sorry in advance if I failed at L's character/personality... ONWARD WITH THE MAGICAL STORY OF MAGICALITY!!!

A week had passed since my arrival in Japan and since then almost the whole country was in an uproar. People were staying at home, and almost everyone who still went outside whispered about the mysterious Kira. Yet life went on. I pulled out my papers and looked through all my Kira research. As I suspected, it was as sound as a drum. I had spent spent all week with no sleep, just connecting dots. The waitress at the cafe I was at came to my table, smiling. "Would you like anything?" she asked. I shook my head and plopped it on top of my research. The sun felt good on my face... My eyes closed and I fell asleep.

(L's POV) "Watari, get me my usual," I said as we pulled up to a cafe. Out front a girl had fallen asleep on papers of some sort. She had shadows under her eyes which were cleverly masked by makeup, slightly messy hair, and wrinkled clothing. Obviously she had been staying up late or not sleeping at all for some time, and she was sleeping lightly which suggested wariness. All these things passed through my head in moments. "Oh, and Watari," I said. "Take a look at those papers that girl is sleeping on. Actually, I think I'll come and take a look myself." I stepped out of the car and sat on the chair opposite of her, waiting for her to wake up. After another few minutes of watching her, I poked her lightly. Instantly she shot up and looked around. Her eyes landed on me. "Who are you, what do you want, and why are you here? Answer quickly or I'll call the police," she said quickly. "Ryuzaki, a strawberry pastry, and curiosity," I answered with equal speed. She looked at me suspiciously. "My name is Arisa. I was just doing my homework, nothing interesting," she lied. This girl seemed too cautious to just throw her name about, she was probably using an alias. "Nice to meet you, Arisa-san. So tell me, what subject is that homework? Perhaps I can help," I said, seeing just how far she would take this. "Language Arts. I have to write an extensive research report on whatever topic I like," she answered. "And what topic did you choose?" I countered. "Modern crime and my personal opinion on some ongoing cases." I smiled inwardly. This girl was smart enough to not only use an alias but to make up a cover story that, should I read her research that I decided must be on the Kira case, would continue to cover her. "Do you have any information there about this Kira business?" I questioned. "Yes, but quite frankly there isn't enough news circulating for me to have much information," she replied. "Although I suspect that L character will be on the case if he isn't already." We were both fully aware that she was lying. "I'm sure he is, Kiyomi-san," I said, using the name I saw her scrawl on a slip of paper. "So you've figured me out, L-san," she replied. I tended a tiny bit, but she noticed. A small chuckle escaped her lips at this. "It's been fun, Ryuzaki-san. I believe," she said, gathering her papers. "I believe this is 'checkmate. Until we meet again." She walked away, leaving the slip behind. Picking it up, I smiled a little. "I had fun too, Arisa-san," I said. I stood up and walked back to the car.

(Kiyomi's POV) I mentally slapped myself. Had he been Kira, I'd most likely be dead. No what's no but's no coconuts. Of course, the guess that Ryuzaki was L was just that... a guess. Seriously, why would some brilliant detective ever show their face in public? Certainly he had plenty of enemies! My phone buzzed as I got a text message from him.

You were right. Why do you want the job?

Mom died two months ago, nothing to loose.

Sorry about that.

Sighing, I tucked my phone away and went straight to the news. A strange man sat at a desk with the nameplate's reading "Lind L. Tailor". "I am Lind L. Tailor, the only person able to mobilize the world's police. Also known as L." I stifled a laugh. Either this man was lying (74% chance) or Ryuzaki was (26% chance). "There have been a string of serial killings targeting criminals," he continued. "This is most despicable and cannot go unpunished. I will catch the murderer commonly known as Kira. I have a good idea to your motives, but what you're doing is evil!" He paused for a moment, seeming to wait. Suddenly, he dropped dead of a heart attack. He was L? No, L would have been smarter. The letter "L" appeared on the screen. I laughed. Now it was beginning. "Obviously you can kill without direct contact. I had to check to be sure," a computerized voice said. "Listen Kira, if you just killed Lind L. Tailor, you have killed a man scheduled to be executed today. It wasn't me. He was a criminal the police caught secretly. His capture wasn't publicised in any way, shape, or form. Obviously even you couldn't get information on him. But I, L, do exist! So go ahead, try to kill me! What's wrong? Hurry up! Come on and kill me! Can't you do it?" He paused for a moment. "It seems you can't. So there are people you can't kill. You've given me a good clue. And guess what? I told you this live broadcast was worldwide, but this is only being broadcast in the Kanto region in Japan. I planned to broadcast this in different areas at different times, but I no longer need to. Now I know you're based in Japan. I have deduced this much." I opened the door, my neighbor across the hall was making quite the racket. "You're lucky you're in Kanto," someone inside said. "The most heavily populated region in Japan. I had no clue things would go so well, but Kira, I will soon sentence you to death. And I wonder... how did you commit the murders? Oh well, I'll find out when I catch you. Until we meet again, Kira." I heard someone inside shut a laptop and I knocked on the door. Ryuzaki opened. "Did I do well?" he asked. "Yeah. I appreciated the end." He cocked his head a little. "I had you in mind when I said it." Apparently the slightest, barely noticeable tinge of pink crept onto my face without my knowing it. "So you really are L?" I asked. "Why the change in topic?" I shrugged. "You're an interesting person, Arisa-san." I looked back at my hotel room. "I should be going to bed. Night, Ryuzaki-san." He nodded. "And by bed you mean more research. Good night, Arisa-san." I walked back to my room and closed the door, sighing. This was going to be a long night...

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