"Really? Where?" Dean looks around, as if Sam might just pop up behind a piece of furniture.

"He's...in Nova's room. With Nova. I—"

"Wait, seriously?" Dean says. He sets Myla down, who walks into her nursery to play with some toys or something.

I lower my voice. "I just went in there because Aubrey said that's where they keep the extra diapers. I was just going to ask her, and I saw them. They were...they were completely naked, underneath the covers."

Dean gapes. "They...they had sex?"

I nod. "Her bra's hanging off the chandelier."

Dean looks shocked. "Son of a bitch."


"I told him to take it slow."

"Well, it looks like they took the fast train out of Dodge," I say.

"Right. Wow. Really? Are you sure?"

"Do I look like I'm unsure?"

Dean scans my face, and makes a face. "No. You don't. Wow. Nova and Sam...on the first date."


- - - - - - - - - -

It's a few hours before Nova walks out of the room, fully dressed. She looks to me, and smiles.

"How was your night?"

"It was nice," she said. "We had a great time. I think he's finally got his head on straight."

I smile at her. "You two use protection?"

She stiffens. "Oh god. How do you know? You didn't hear us, did you?"

"No. I'm sorry. I just—I had to run into the room to grab diapers for Myla. I—"

"Wow. So...you saw things."

"Things I didn't expect."

"I'm sorry."

"Don't. You two are consenting adults. You can do what you want. It's just—"

"A little surprising?"

"That's one way of putting it," I say.

Sam walks out, rubbing his eyes. Also fully dressed.

"Hey, babe," he says.

"So..." I say, looking at him. I smile at him. He blushes.

"Oh, God."

"She had to grab diapers," Nova said.

"Just answer my question. Did you two use protection?"

Sam's face turns red. "'Course we did."

Nova nods.

"I hope so. It looked like you two—"

"Okay, I don't want to talk about this," Sam says. I laugh. Nova laughs slightly, too.

Dean walks in to the livingroom, and smiles at his younger brother. "Sammmy."

"Oh my god, Dean."

"We don't have to talk about it. I just want to know—what's the story with you two? Where are we at?"

"What do you mean?" Nova asks. Sam itches his elbow.

"Are you...officially a couple? Is it a one time thing, or?"

"Sam did just call her babe." I say.

"Ooh. Soooooooo...." Dean says.

"Well. We didn't really talk about it. But if...if she wants to, I guess we could. You know."

"Be a couple?" Nova asks, looking in his direction, but not turning to him.

A light goes off in Sam's eyes. "Yeah. If you're—"

"Well, obviously I'm up to it."

Dean laughs, and claps his brother on the back. "It's about damn time, too. I told you, Sam. Didn't I tell you it was worth a shot?"

Sam smiles. "That you did."

"Nice." Dean sits at the chair, sipping a cup of coffee.

"So. Nova and I were talking last night, and we decided—"

"I want to train. It's been years. I'm out of shape, and I need to fix that so should anything happen, I can defend myself and the kids."

"I think it's a great idea, myself," Sam says.

"So do I." Dean says. "You're right, Nova. You do need to train. Me and your boyfriend—" Nova groans "Can show you."

I look around. "Great. Sounds fun. Um. I'm gonna go take care of Myla, and then I gotta scram. My weekend's over and it's back to playing sheriff for me."

"Okay," Nova said. "When you're done, would you stick her in her high chair for me? I got breakfast ready."

"Sure thing, hun."


I walk off, and I smile. I agree. It's about damn time those two wised up to one another.

Then, I realize something. I turn around and peak my head into the hallway.

"What are you going to tell the kids?" I say to them. It strikes Nova first. I see the dawning realization on her face. She never even thought about it.


I turn and walk away, knowing I just created more problems for them to think about. Oh well, they'll figure it out.

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