| 19 | Wings of an Angel

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Looking further, Naruto spies a bright orange colour that surrounds the corners, slim and faint but compressing the other two chakra sources.

Every time it oscillates, a glowing yellow light forces it back like restraint of sorts.

Blacklight? Naruto inquires, unsure of what it is.

"Yes, Naruto?" The dragon responds.

Can you manifest in my mind? Naruto puts his fingers to his chin.

"Of course."

Then why don't you?

"Didn't you listen to what I told you?" the dragon snaps impatiently.

Something about an invitation? Naruto meekly answers.

"Yes," Blacklight replies. "Remember it?"

Probably, Naruto responds mentally before flashing through hand seals. "Embodiment: Blacklight!"

A flash of light blinds his vision as he waits expectantly for the dragon, but is instead, greeted with something that shocks him.

"Yo," 'Blacklight' greets.

Naruto stares at him incredulously. "I thought you were supposed to be a dragon."

"Well, perhaps if you had used the 'Manifest' technique instead of the 'Embodiment' technique, then you'd have gotten your desired result!" Blacklight snaps, stretching his limbs.

He has exotic navy blue hair and wears a scaly piece of armour, with spikes and 'spears' of the blue scales jutting in a seemingly randomised pattern. He has a pale complexion and stunning luminous silver eyes like a celestial body of the night that we all know and looks at positively in contrast to its golden counterpart.

His teeth are like that of an apex predator of the darkness, two fangs jutting out from his upper set of teeth, extending further than the canines that are stuck to his gums.

"Oh," Naruto lamely says. "Well, take a look at this!"

He gestures frantically to the red substance. The chakra orb is like a pie chart.

Blacklight takes a closer look.

"What is it?" The younger boy by millennia asks hyperactively, hoping for some answers.

He is sorely dissatisfied.

"I don't know. All I can say is that its millennia older than me, that's for certain," Blacklight responds, floored by this fact.

"How will this affect the merging and what shall I do?" Naruto inquires, unsure of what his next course of action would be.

"It will bring the merging to a halt. Meditate," Blacklight states. "Logically, you can find it but you'll have to dedicate time to exploring your mindscape."

Naruto hmms. "Can I make that easier?"

"Likely. Don't ask me how; I don't know," Blacklight answers, disappearing to wherever he had come from.

Naruto stares at the orb. How do I come into contact with this entity?


Naruto sits in the Tower's library.

A day had passed since he had discovered the conflict within his own energies and already he had attempted an exploration all to no avail.

What am I missing? He asks himself as he flips through a book named 'Oldest Creatures in Legend and Myth'.

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