Bradley was glad the two were taking all of the heat off of her. She didn't really like dwelling on her struggles. "You guys can we be serious for like two minutes," Georgia straightened the two out.

Bradley sighed. "I promise you guys, it's okay. I'm okay," She assured them. "It was three years ago, I'm over it,"

Posh eyed Bradley. "Are you ready to say that about Israel though?"

Like clock work, Bradley's phone vibrated with text. It was Rashad. Reading the text, Bradley couldn't deny the warmness in her heart and the fluttering feeling in the pit of her stomach.

— I miss you, can't wait to get home to you💙
Received 3:47 PM

Bradley refrained from responding to Posh for a moment while she responded to Rashad.

— I miss you too. I have a surprise for you when  you get here. I love you.
Delivered 3:48 PM

Setting her phone down, Bradley looked up at Posh. "Yeah, I am,"

"Like deadass ?" Usiah asked with a raise of his brow.

Bradley nodded with a light chuckle. "Like deadass," She confirmed confidently while getting up.

"Well, we'll let you lead the way," Georgia said while she, Usiah and Posh followed Bradley's lead. She started in the direction of her hallway. When she stopped in front of Israel's designated keepsake room, Usiah and the girls began preparing themselves for Bradley to turn away. Shocking even herself, Bradley opened the door and entered the room, Usiah, Posh and Georgia following behind her.

Turning to face her friends, she began delegating the work that needed to be done in the room "You start over there," Bradley assigned Georgia one corner of the room.

"You start over there," She assigned Usiah another.

"And you can help me over there," She said to Posh.

Afraid that if they didn't act quickly to her request, they would loose all of that courage she had built up, Usiah, Georgia and Posh immediately began moving boxes out of the bedroom and migrating them into the hall. Bradley was set on just taking everything she had of Israel to Papa Gabe's house. He could make good use of it.

"At least keep one thing Brad, just to make you feel good," Usiah tried to convinced while holding up one of Israel's hoodies.

Bradley took the hoodie out of Usiah's hands and gazed at it. Holding up to to her face, Bradley's nostrils filled up with what used to be Israel's scent. It was always a mixture of Old Spice, Dolce & Gabbana cologne, and weed. The three were pretty weird to be all mixed together, but the scent was just so enticing and alluring.

Taking it away from her face, Bradley shook her head no before handing the hoodie back to Usiah. "Put it back into the box," She told him in a light voice.

"Alright then," Usiah did as told.

After a few hours, Bradley and her friends got her car and Posh's car filled up with Israel's stuff. They trailed Bradley all the way to Papa Gabe's house. Upon arriving, Bradley noticed Sincere's Mustang was parked right in the drive way. She didn't want this to be awkward, but she had no where else to put Israel's things and she wouldn't dare throw it all away.

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