"Oh Brad," They all sympathized. "Why didn't you tell us," By now, they all engulfed her into one big hug. Their comfort caused a small smile to escape her lips through the tears she no longer with held.

"You guys don't have to do this," Bradley shook her head alluding to them comforting her.

Posh shook her head. "No, we do have to. You can't be strong all of the time Pooh. Even my hard ass know that shit hurt. I can't even imagine going through that alone," At the time of Israel's death, Posh and Bradley were building the tight friendship they had now. At the time, they were working at the same shop as shampoo girls so they bonded. When Israel died, Posh made sure to console Bradley and be there for her. She knew Bradley was alone in New Orleans so she welcomed her as family. If Posh knew Bradley was pregnant, she would have went the extra mile to ensure Bradley and the baby was healthy. She hated that they had to find out under these circumstances

Bradley shrugged and looked down at her feet—like always, whenever she felt overwhelmed with emotions. "Since I took Israel's death so hard, I just denied being pregnant. There was no way I could get through raising a child on my own,"

"When did you find out?" Georgia asked.

Bradley took in a deep breath trying her best to regain her composure and not exploit to many of her emotions and feelings. "I found out a day before I miscarried," Bradley chuckled. She was trying to find some sort of comedic relief, but she was sure she was looking crazy at the moment.

"Satan had it out for you sis," Usiah mumbled causing both Posh and Georgia to stale face him.

"Bitch shut up," Posh smacked Usiah upside his head.

Bradley laughed lightly as she wiped away her tears. This is the main reason she chose these three people to be her best friends, they made any situation better. "He's right though. I lost my boyfriend and baby all in one week. Satan was working hard and expeditiously,"

"So is that why you say you don't want kids until your thirty?" Georgia asked. She knew there was always a reason behind it. Bradley was well off to have kids at any age, but it always confused Georgia why she picked thirty out of all ages.

Bradley nodded. "I already had the fear of having kids since finding out what happened to my mom with me. But once I lost my first child at 22, I was just over it. Everything happens for a reason though, if I would have had that child I could have been in the same situation my mom was in, I just rather not deal," Bradley explained.

"But why 30 though?" Posh asked.

Bradley shrugged. "My grandmother had this logic that if you go through the worst years of your life during your twenties, you're thirties will be nothing but prosperous," Mimi was one to come up with a lot of shit Bradley never really believed. However, this jewel she dropped on Bradley was something Bradley automatically trusted and believed . She didn't know why she believed in it, but she did.

"Oh uh uh, I'm gonna have to have a word with your grandma—" Usiah was getting ready to go on a rant but once again Posh smacked him upside his head.

"Usiah, just shut the fuck up!" Posh ordered of him.

"Bitch you need to pick on someone your own fucking size cause I will stomp your little ass out," Usiah threatened.

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