wet dog

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I walk to school, Evan runs up to me. "Hey deliri--- Dude why u smell like wet dog?" He ask covering his nose "well u see I amawerewolf" I said looking away "wat?" "I amawerewolf" "dude stop covering ur mouth"  "I have a dog" I said looking at him. "oh cool Dude"

When o walked in school everybody looked at me. I heard whispers 'he smells like wet dog' but I ignore it.

"Delirious smell like a Wet dog" I hear some girl from 6 lockers away. Yeah I have better hearing. Now I know who been talking shit. I growl a guys looks at me. But then runs. I Smile under my mask.

-time skip-

The hole day everybody talked shit. That how I smelled like wet dog. I sigh as I walk home from school. Fuck those people, fuck them all. I'll kill them kg I need too. I shake my head wtf am I thinking.


Sorry it short

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