One Day

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S/o to SomeHowIAmAFox for being awesome and giving me a good idea

This the story of how I fucked up my life. I am a werewolf! I know. I may sound crazy but it's true. Not the two legged one the one on all fours. My friends don't know this some do and that's because they themselves are wolves as well. My friend Victor and Austin are some of the wolves I hang out with. Their also the reason I am one it's kinda of cool. You have superhuman strength, speed, see in the dark, and other stuff too. It also sucks cause you cant really tell anyone nobody well understand. That and they might do experiments on me. So this how it started and I become a werewolf.
One day me, Austin, and Victor were all hanging out. I was fourteen, Austin and Victor are fifteen. When I first got bit and turned. Before I start on how it all happen I use to live out in the country. I was seven when I met them. We always played by the creek. We build a fort out of sticks, rope, and some tent fabric. There was a time were they stop playing with me. When we did they acted weird. As a seven year old I never thought anything of it. Turns out they were actually werewolves but by bloodline. Now back when I was fourteen Austin ended up shapeshifting in front of me. He got mad about something and he couldn't control his temper cause him to shift. I could have died that day I wish I did. Victor came in to save me he already was in wolf form and attacked Austin. I blacked out guess I was out for a hour cause then I ended tied up in a basement. Kinky right? I really don't want go in much detail about my transformation but it was painful really bad. My fur color was dark and light brown, my paws are white color, tip of my tail and ears are black, and my eyes icy blue. Now back to present time. Hi I'm Jonathan and seventeen. I live in nice neighborhood in California. Also I'm in love with you my best friend.

I ran in the woods chasing people killing those hunters. They hurt my best friend Evan. Who cares if I  become a killer. I murderer every hunter I see. I went home before I get shot. I run to my house I turn human and go  throw my bedroom window.  I go to my bathroom and take a shower. I change my cloths, I turn on my TVs.

-time skip-

Evan calls me how I been yeah yeah. But he does not know I'm a werewolf he did not believe me when I told him. But I killed his bullies he called me one time saying they are dead. Sometimes I wish I could kill my father he been a bitch so much to me and my Mom. But one, one day I will kill him.


Sorry it short

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