An Acceptable Agreement

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Severus rolled his eyes when he heard a knock at his door. He glared at Andy. "Send those lunatics away," he snarled. "It is bad enough that I have to sit here and listen to your inane babbling. I have no desire for more company."

Andy, unfazed by the comments, smiled cheerfully. "Just sit tight and I'll get you another brandy in a moment," he said cheerfully. He went to the answer the door and was amazed to find Hermione waiting impatiently on the other side. Caroline, Draco and Harry stood just behind her, grinning when they saw Andy.

Andy hesitated. Severus was not in a particularly social mood and may say or do something to distance himself from Hermione. The surly man was not handling the feeling of vulnerability very well. He had even expressed that he had no intention of going to see Hermione that day. Andy shook his head and then offered Hermione a smile. "Glad to see you up and about," he said. He lowered his voice and added "I hope you're planning to cheer him up."

"We'll wait here," Caroline said quietly, much to Draco's disappointment.

Severus looked up to see Andy leading Hermione to the room. He stood up, determined not to appear as tired and weak as he felt. She looked enchanting in her floaty white dress and simple white shoes. She was staring at him with her warm brown eyes, but he found himself to be unable to meet her gaze. Andy poured Severus another brandy and handed it to him. "I better get going," Andy said. "I'll see you tomorrow." He hurried from the room, closing the door firmly behind himself.

Severus sighed irritably. He had just finished telling Andy that he did not wish to see Hermione. He knew that she would recover, so there was no real need to be in her presence. At that moment, he felt that keeping his distance would be his best option. He was exhausted from healing her and in no mood to suffer through wanting her, but having her run away again. To make matters worse, he was certain that he could detect pity in her gaze.

Hermione moved closer to Severus and then frowned when he turned away and walked over to a bookshelf. Caroline was obviously correct; Severus could not bear to make eye contact and was carefully keeping his distance. Hermione remained still while Severus took his time selecting a book.

When he finally turned around, she said "I will never be able to express how grateful I am. You saved my life."

"It was the combined efforts of the Sirens and the Guardians," he replied dismissively.

"It never would have worked without you," Hermione insisted, moving to stand directly in front of him.

He reluctantly raised his eyes from his book to look at her, his expression softening slightly when he saw that her eyes were glistening with tears. With a weary sigh, he led her to the couch and they sat down. He stubbornly kept some space between them, unwilling to touch her. He couldn't bring himself to speak and having her so close made his chest ache.

"I have been so stupid," Hermione said quietly, tears beginning to trickle down her face. "I've spent all this time telling myself that I just wanted to focus on work. It seemed much easier than welcoming the potential to get my heart broken. I tried to convince myself that all you felt for me was a physical attraction at best." She paused and then looked at Severus with a shy smile. "You became one of my best friends, and I didn't want that to be ruined. So instead, I was a terrible friend and tormented you for months."

Severus released the breath that he hadn't realized he was holding. "I cannot blame you for protecting yourself," he said, his tone heavy with regret. "I am not a kind, friendly man. I can be cruel and anti-social. That is quite unlikely to ever change."

"I know all that Severus," Hermione said softly. "But I also know that you've gone out of your way to make me the exception. You've been attentive, kind, loving and someone that I can talk to. Sometimes even all in the same day," she added with a grin. She eyed Severus thoughtfully and then reached out to touch his hand gently. "Do you love me Severus?"

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