Voice Of The Soul

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Harry ran his hands through his hair warily and then gathered Ginny into his arms. George was standing behind Sam with his arms wrapped around her, his eyes locked on Hermione's too still form. The others watched in various states of anxiety.

Luna gasped suddenly and clutched her head in pain. Caroline, Severus and Draco remained at Hermione's side while the others rushed to Luna. She waved them away impatiently, looking desperately toward Hermione. Her eyes were wide with fear. "She's dying!" Luna cried out.

"Calm down Luna," Ron said, smoothing her hair down. He frowned when she jerked away from him looking panicked.

"No," Luna said frantically. "The poison is clearing away but so is her life force." She looked at Severus with a pleading expression. "Save her. You have to save her." Her voice broke and she sobbed, finally allowing Ron to pull her into his embrace.

"Oh no," Caroline groaned. She was staring down at Hermione fearfully. Hermione's face was ashen and her breathing was shallow and rasping. "Severus, she's right. Hermione is dying. The vampire's venom was taking over her body, but once you got rid of the poison it just left behind the destroyed organs." She looked up, seeing that Severus had his head down, his shoulders slumped with defeat. She snapped her fingers in front of his face, drawing his attention. She gave him a stern glare. "You are not giving up now. You have more to give," she added quietly. Severus met her gaze with a sigh. The emotion she could see in his eyes broke her heart. He gave her a stiff nod, dropping his head into his hands.

Caroline rose and looked around at the others. "Make a circle," she said loudly. "This is your opportunity to flex your musical muscles. Focus is imperative. Follow Severus' lead. Concentrate on pushing your energy toward Severus and Hermione." She gestured for Minerva to sit with Hermione.

Andy had set up some instruments while Caroline was speaking. He sat down at the drum set while Caroline stood at a keyboard. Sam and Jenna held electric guitars. Caroline began to play, her eyes welling with tears in her fear for her friend. She smiled at Draco when he gave her arm a comforting pat and held up a violin. He ignored the astonished looks of the rest of the Guardians.

Severus smoothed down Hermione's hair and poured a healing potion into her mouth. He knelt on the grass and took hold of one of her hands. As he began to sing, he slowly moved his wand over her body. He was grateful to see her eyes open and focus on him despite the obvious pain she was in.

Hermione stared at Severus in disbelief. His rich baritone voice filled her ears and warmed her heart. She had never heard him sing before, but he had obviously allowed Caroline to train him.

Her thoughts were interrupted by Minerva helping her to sit up on the cot. Severus had taken a step back to allow her room to move, never wavering in his song. It sounded strangely familiar. She knew the lyrics although she was certain she'd never heard it before. She glanced back at Caroline uncertainly. Caroline gave her an encouraging nod.

Hermione looked back at Severus, amazed by the passion that poured from him in every note he sang. Her lungs burned as she struggled to take a deep breath. But, before Severus could start the next verse, Hermione started to sing.

Her voice wasn't powerful like the last time they had heard her sing. She winced and pressed her temples with her fingertips as her head throbbed unpleasantly. She sounded as if she were pleading with Severus. It seemed to work because Severus stepped forward and reached down to take her hands again.

Severus and Minerva helped Hermione stand up slowly. She was dimly aware of warm, soft grass beneath her feet. Severus took a few steps backwards, bringing Hermione with him. His eyes never left her face as he started singing again. He placed one hand on her chest just below her throat and she could feel it grow warm. The sensation was soothing and she noticed that within seconds she seemed to be able to take a breath more easily.

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