Chapter 1: A New Speedster In Town...

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It had been a few days after Team Flash had met, officially, Nora Allen-West, and needless to say everything was confusing to say the least. Two people in particular didn't know what to make of it: Barry and Iris. However there was also someone who felt even more conflicted about it: Caitlin Snow. At times she didn't know whether or not to believe Nora's rather far-fetched story, and yet at other times she couldn't help but wonder if it was true.

From what she had seen during the events of Reverse Flash, it was possible, and at times she had seen that the possibility of time travel and jumping between different dimensions was possible, as Barry himself had experienced with Flashpoint, or during the many arrivals of Zoom, Savitar and the numerous Harrison Wells's from the different Earth's, just to name a few individuals. Though if Caitlin had to admit it, she wished and hoped that it wasn't true. And the reason for that was because she was in love with Barry...

She knew it was selfish and wrong, but she couldn't help it. She was head over heels for him in ways she, at times, struggled to describe. She knew how long she had been having these feelings for, as they began to surface during the start of their partnership when Barry first got his powers, though they certainly began to manifest more and more as the days, weeks and months began to surface...especially on the day when Barry had lost his powers and when they went to that bar were they sang "Summer Loving" together, even if she had been drunk during that night.

And as time had gone on, she could swear that they shared feelings for each other as well, whether or not Barry and herself admitted it or not. Hell she even had to admit that if Barry hadn't been around, she'd have become Killer Frost a lot quicker, or she would never have been able to break free from her control before and during her servitude with Savitar. And, she had to admit, that whilst Cisco and Wells may have been reasons for her to stay around after the Particle Accelerator went into overdrive, but ever since the day they became a team Barry had been the reason she had stayed and came back to Star Labs numerous times over, just like when Cisco asked her to help them get Barry out of the Speed Force over 6 months after she had gone off the grid.

She even had to admit that, whilst Killer Frost would never admit it herself whenever she was around and in control, she thought that Killer Frost also had feelings for Barry as well, with Savitar being the proof since she trusted him without a moments hesitation even if he was another version of Barry. She guessed that was why Iris had been so cold around her, no pun intended, and even mistrusting of her whenever Barry and Caitlin were around one another or in the same room alone with one another. She even knew that Iris on more than one occasion had been cruel and harsh to Barry, even at one point trying to prevent Barry from coming back from the Speed Force.

She had even tried to control her and Killer Frost. Barry was the only one who truly could help her with Killer Frost if and when needed, Iris had merely irritated both of them to the point that Caitlin had briefly broken control at one point to threaten Iris about still having an arm. Caitlin sighed sadly as she slowly buried her head in her hands a bit. Barry deserved happiness, and he wasn't getting that with Iris no matter what anybody said. It was just a forced relationship built on nothing but Iris wanting Barry to herself. Caitlin though thought she could give Barry the true happiness he wanted...even if this was selfish thinking from her part.

"You okay Cait?" She heard from behind her, recognizing the voice instantly. She turned her head briefly and saw the Scarlet Speedster himself standing behind her in the archway to the main lab. She smiled a little when she saw him, Barry's presence always seemingly managing to bring a smile to her face. "I'm fine." She said simply, Barry smiling a little before walking over slowly. "I...wanted to apologize to you...for being an ass since I got back." He said sincerely, Caitlin surprised that he's bringing this up, but smiled slightly that he did.

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