Once they get inside, Mina sits on the end of his bed, legs hanging of the edge, and Bakugou moves his desk chair to face the pink girl. "What is it Bakugou?" She asks, watching what she says around the visibly tense boy. "Kirishima," he blurts out. Mina looks at him, confused. "What did he do?" Bakugou is tempted to say 'everything' but decides on silence. "Bakugou, you know I can't help you until I know what happened." The blond grunts, "Shitty hair making me feel shitty feelings." Mina perks up at Bakugou's sort-of confession, eyes sparkling with mischief. "What do you mean?" She questions, genuinely curious as to what the red head did to make the oh-so-scary Bakugou Katsuki have feelings. For him. "That's not important!" The blond shouts, startling the poor girl. She sighs sadly, "Fine." Bakugou looks at her expectantly. "I don't know what to say! Honestly!" She rushes out, words jumbling together but still understandable. "Right," Bakugou says, beginning to walk out of the room with the bubbly girl trailing behind.

8:32pm, Saturday night. Bakugou is getting ready to sleep when he hears a knock on his door. He finishes brushing his teeth and walks towards the door, opening it. "Hi," Kirishima, just like the previous night, walks passed the blond and into the room. He sits on the bed this time, legs crossed as he scrolls through his phone, alternating between apps. Bakugou stands by the open door, shocked and confused. "Hey Bakubro, close the door before you let all the heat out." The blond does as he's told - for once - and sits down in the same spot he was in the previous night. He grabs a book and begins to read, ignoring the red heads presence. A few minutes of silence pass when Bakugou feels the red head move. He trys, and succeeds for a few moments, to ignore the other. The blond sighs in annoyance, it's impossible to ignore Kirishima when he moves to sit next to him, resting his head on Bakugou's shoulder. He closes his eyes and begins to doze off while still leaning against the blond. Bakugou places his book down, his heart thundering loudly in his chest, too loud to concentrate, and glances down at the red head. He looks peaceful, his hair frames his head like a halo making him look like a saint, his lips are curled up into a small smile that melts Bakugou's icy heart. The thing Kirishima had said the night before still plagues the blonds mind. What does he mean by 'you're not allowed to fall in love with me'? Bakugou feels his heart clench. "You can't say that when I already have, dumbass." He mumbles. The blond begins to get up, making sure not to wake the sleeping beauty as he does so. He covers the red head with his blanket and turns to the closet where he keeps his blow up mattress. Bakugou sets it up and lies down, falling asleep as soon as his head hits the pillow. He dreams of a certain someone and what life could be like with them by his side.

Bakugou wakes up, yawning while reaching for his phone. He checks the time displayed, 10:26am, and looks at his bed to see it empty. The blond furrows his eyebrows as he thinks where the red head could have went. After a few minutes, he decides to travel to the common room to grab a glass of water. As he walks in, Kirishima greets him. "Hi Bakubro! I felt bad for falling asleep in your room so when I saw you were still sleeping, I decided to make you breakfast!" The red head smiles as he finishes dishing up the food, handing Bakugou a bowl of rice along with some miso soup. The blond flushes as he takes the bowls, sits down on the sofa and begins eating. Kirishima sits next to him and also digs into his breakfast. The oddly domestic feeling finally settles into his chest almost making him choke on his food. "You okay dude?" Kirishima asks, leaning closer to Bakugou. "I'm fine." Kirishima moves closer. "Are you sure?" He smiles coyly. "Positive," Bakugou states, his voice becoming increasingly shaky. Kirishima leans closer again, his nose nearly bumping the blond's. Bakugou gives in to the urge and places his hand on the red head's cheek. Kirishima smiles, placing both of his arms on Bakugou's thighs. The food on the table in front of them completely forgotten. The red head lets out a breathy laugh, the hot breath reminding the blond of the first time they had been this close. "Remember, you're not allowed to fall in love with me." And with that, he pushes away from the other, walking away and leaving Bakugou with a flushed face and speeding heart.

Sunday night comes, so does Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday and Thursday night, with no unexpected arrivals from the red head who's been currently filling the blonds mind. Low and behold, Friday night at 7:52pm Bakugou hears a knock on his door. Being naïve, he doesn't think about who it could be. He opens the door and Kirishima walks in the room, this time grabbing the blond's wrist. He pulls the blond carefully, closing the door and pinning the other against it. "Hey," Kirishima chuckles out. Bakugou stays silent out of shock. Kirishima takes that as a chance to lean in closer to the other. Almost like déjà vu, Kirishima's lips ghost the blond's. Bakugou takes a deep breath, breathing in the sweet smell of Kirishima's shampoo. His eyes flicker to the others lips then back to his eyes multiple times before settling his gaze on the ruby red orbs in front of him. He can hear the steady breathing of the other due to the close proximity. He reaches his hand out towards Kirishima's face, resting his hand on the other's face just like those couple of days before. All of his senses are being taken over by the male who's already taken full control of his mind. Warmth spreads through his body as he feels lips on his own. Bakugou feels the others tongue press onto his lips, the ghost of a question ringing through his ears. He silently responds, opening his mouth to allow Kirishima entry. He tilts his head slightly making the position more comfortable as he feels a hand push gently against his chest. Lips which were once locked together parted as the red heads forehead rested against his own. The two males were panting heavily, trying to catch their breath. Kirishima smiles at the blond before muttering out those 9 cursed words which have been dancing around his mind for days on end. "You're not allowed to fall in love with me." Before Bakugou can react, the red head pushes him out of the way and opens the door, walking out of the room.

Bakugou looks up hopelessly. "What does it mean?" He questions the pink girl desperately. "I... I don't know..." Mina responds, looking at her friends face with sorrow. Bakugou rubs his hands across his face, frustrated. "What if..." the blond starts, breaking the silence, "What if it's too late?" Mina looks puzzled at her friends statement. "Wha-"
"I mean, what if I've already fallen in love with him." Mina looks up, shock covering her face as she stares wordlessly at her troubled friend. "Then tell him. Tonight. It's highly likely he's going to turn up at your dorm." Bakugou takes her words to heart, although he doesn't say so. He goes to to walk out of the obnoxiously patterned room but is stopped by Mina's voice. "Aren't you forgetting something?"
"No? I have my-"
"Th——" Mina draws out the sound, beginning to sound like a snake.
"Oh hell no."
"C'mon Bakubitch. One little thank you."
"Thank you," Bakugou mumbles under his breath, only loud enough for the pink girl to hear. She smiles brightly, "Good luck."

Just as planned, Bakugou hears a knock come from the door. He opens it cautiously, slowly revealing Kirishima from behind it.
(JUST FOR CLARIFICATION. THERE. IS. NO. SMUT. Sorry to the people who wanted it) Kirishima pushes the blond towards the bed kicking the door closed. Bakugou is pushed onto the bed and pinned down by the red head who starts to kiss the blond roughly. Kirishima presses his lips onto the others repeatedly, almost as if he was trying to tell the other something without voicing it. The red head's hands explore the blond's body, hugging him close as the kisses became longer and more drawn out. Kirishima explores Bakugou's mouth as if it's a winning lottery ticket and he's a homeless man searching for money to pay for his next meal. The red head pulls away abruptly, leaving Bakugou, yet again, flustered with a rapid beating heart. "Please just remember, you're not allowed to fall in love with me. You can't." Kirishima stands up and walks towards the door. "Wait." The red head turns around to face the blond. "What if..." Bakugou pauses before saying it. He's been told countless times not to but his heart just won't stop beating. "What if I already have?" Kirishima's eyes widen as he studies the blond's face for any trace of a lie. "You..." He starts, never finishing what he was going to say. Bakugou gets up and walks toward the other, pressing his lips against the red head's. Bakugou pulls away, resting his forehead on the other's and whispering the words he's been wanting to say for a while now. "I love you."

Authors note:
That took far too long to write. It's 1am and I have to wake up at 6 for school. I am so sorry for not updating for 2 months so I wrote my longest one shot yet! Just under 2.5K. That aside, all the comments and upvotes from all you readers is crazy. Your comments never fail to make me laugh or brighten up my day! This book is on 31K views and I didn't even expect it to get to 2K. So thanks a ton for all your support, votes and comments.


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