Starbucks hottie {Part 1}

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Bakugou's POV

I'm serving a woman when a man with red spiky hair walks in. He had a skin tight t-shirt on, exposing his muscles. I look over at him. He is hot. Extremely hot. The male looks over at me, as I was unintentionally staring, and smiles a bright grin that lights up the whole room. Obviously me doing what I do best, I make a 'tsk' noise and go back to tending to the woman's drink. He steps up to the counter, leaning on it and looking at me with his ruby eyes. I feel a light blush rush up to my cheeks as I look at him. "What can I get you?" I ask as calmly as possible. He looks at me with his smile still on his face, making his dimples show ever so slightly. "Can I get a Caramel Cream Frappuccino please?" *That was the first drink I thought of okay xD* I grab a cup and pick up a marker ready to write the man's name. "Name?"
"Can you put Red Riot?" He asks, looking away embarrassed. I just write the name and turn towards the machine to make the drink. I finish it and call out the name. He walks over and takes it from me, smiling again. I blush again and turn away, scoffing. I see my annoying co-worker, Mina Ashido, walk out of the back room with a mop. She looks to me and notices my blush. She just giggles, winks and walks out from behind the counter.

*the next day

I'm serving again as I spot the same man from yesterday walk in with a small boy with blonde hair and a black lighting bolt on his bangs. "What can I get you?" I ask in my monotone voice, looking at the pair who are mid-conversation. I look at them in annoyance, if they're not ready to order, then don't go to the counter! Finally the blonde stops talking and I look at the red-head, who's wearing a looser top today with the words 'Crimson Riot' scribbled on it with a hard-to-read font. I recognise the name as a pro-hero. I snigger almost silently. "Hi, can I get a Caramel Cream Frappuccino, please?" he smiles his blinding smile again. I cant help but repeat his actions, smiling back lightly. His eyes seem to light up, as if he's accomplished something and he nudges his friend. "Who's this for?" I question, trying to calm my pink blush. His friend turns and almost shouts, "Put hard boi! Spelt 'b' 'o' 'i'!" I don't question it and go back to writing the name and walk towards the machine.

*1 month later*

Everyday for this whole month, this red-haired boy came in with a new name to put on his drink, all of them seeming to be nicknames. I see him walk in again, this time with his plain-faced friend and his pikachu-looking friend. I've seen these people come in with him many times before, but never together. His plain friend walks up to the counter, walking in front of the other two men. "Yo can I get 3 drinks, one Caramel Cream Frappuccino and 2 double Chocolaty Chip Late's please?" "What names?" I ask, grabbing a marker. He looks towards the red-head and pikachu, "You two go grab a table, I'll get the drinks." I look towards the two and see the red-hair staring at me. He catches me looking back and turns around, grabs pikachu's arm and speed-walks to the nearest table. I just shrug and get ready to write the names. "Can you put Sero on one of the Chocolaty Chip Late's, Kaminari on the other, and Dumb Lovestruck Idiot on the Caramel Cream Frappuccino?"
"Nice name for the last one," I comment, chuckling lowly. "Yeah, it's for my idiot friend who's too scared to ask someone out, it's stupid to see him pinning for someone," he reply's with a small laugh.
"I'm guessing the red-head? He comes in here everyday to get the Caramel. He never says his name, only nicknames like 'Rock' or 'Lil' Pebble boi'." I look over towards the ruby eyed boy, seeing him flushing a bright red, almost matching his hair. His friend just laughs and I walk away to make the 3 drinks. "Of course it's him, stupid guy pins for people way out of his league," I hear is friend, who is speaking to himself. I just ignore him and grab a marker, writing my number at the bottom of the red-hairs cup with a winky face. I make the drinks and give them to plain-face. He thanks me and walks away. I go to serve the next customer.

Kirishima's POV

I see Sero walk towards the table. He hands Kaminari and I our drinks and slides into the seat across from me, next to Kaminari and raps his arm around him. I see Kaminari blush a bright red and Sero just chuckles, looking at him lovingly. I take this moment to glance at the cute boy working behind the counter. I sigh, realising if I don't gain the balls to ask him out, I'll never get to have a relationship with him. I pick up my drink, taking a sip, when Kaminari gasps, chocking on the air. I finish drinking and give Kaminari a worried glance. He carries on choking, pointing to my cup. Sero helps him regain his breath and I sit there with my cup in hand, confused. "KIRI YOUR CUP!" He shouts, gaining attention from the whole shop, including the blonde barista. I just look at him, still confused. "Ugh, you dense piece of crap. Give it here," he snatches the cup out of my hands and goes to take a sip, showing me the bottom of the cup. I notice writing. A number. I suddenly turn a shade of red I never knew I could. I snatch my drink from Kaminari, chugging it. Sero looks at me in disbelief as I grab a napkin and a pen from my pocket and jot down the number. "Sero was it the extremely hot barista serving you?" He just nods and I immediately snatch my phone out, adding the blondes phone number in. I look over to the barista to see him looking at us with his co-worker. Both of the giggling lightly. I see a small blush forming on his cheeks as he notices my staring. I smile and wave, he repeats my actions. His co-worker nudges him, whispers something to him and he nods. He forms his hand into a phone shape and holds it to his ear, then turns around to continue cleaning. I smile to myself and wait for my friends to finish before walking out the shop.

Bakishima/Kiribaku Oneshots <3Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora