Tenth Apocalypse

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The Tenth Apocalypse's sole purpose of her regeneration was to protect Rose Tyler and save her from death, and she regenerated so she could be better for her. She's more fun and more willing to put herself out there, and she's more open with her peers. She is unintimidated by Mickey Smith, who is dead set on tearing Rose away from her, and she is determined to show Rose that while she looks different, she is still her same sister. The question is whether Rose and the Apocalypse can stick together through hell and back. They can't. After Doomsday, Rose is stuck in a parallel world, leaving the Apocalypse on her own. Heartbroken, the Apocalypse helps out Donna Noble and offers the woman a chance to travel with her, but Donna turns her down. More upset, the Apocalypse dyes her hair dark brown and travels on her own for a long time.

During an investigation at the Royal Hope Hospital, the Apocalypse picks up medical student Martha Jones and invites her to travel with her for one trip. After Shakespeare's time, she extends the trip to one trip in the future and saves New Earth again, but at the cost of the Face of Boe's life, who gives her a message: "You are not alone." The Apocalypse intends to drop Martha back off on Earth, but after Martha helps save the world again, the Apocalypse agrees to take Martha on full time, to Martha's delight.

After running into the Family of Blood, the Apocalypse turns herself into a human by the name of Kylie Smith, but the Family arrives a month early. With the voices of the Doctor, the Master, Peri Brown, Rose Tyler, and Captain Jack Harkness helping her, she turns back into the Apocalypse, defeats the Family, and promises she's done with hiding and running from her previous life after losing Rose, and vows to continue on normally. She and Martha continue to do so until a visit to Cardiff makes the TARDIS pick up Jack, and they are flung to the end of the universe, to discover Professor Yana is actually the Master, the Apocalypse's older brother. After the Master is killed by Clive Jones, Martha opts to stay behind, and the Apocalypse continues on, dying her hair ginger, and meets Donna once again.

Gradually, the Apocalypse starts to turn back to who she was before she lost Rose. However, when she loses the daughter she had for only a day, she is set back and nearly murders a man because of it. Jack and Torchwood pitch in to accompany the Apocalypse on further journeys, but she still feels the loss of her daughter.

When Davros and the Daleks attack Earth, the Apocalypse is stunned when she discovers not only has Rose returned to the correct universe, but it is Jenny that has brought her back. Before they could properly reunite, the Apocalypse is shot to death by a Dalek, only to regenerate and keep her current self. Together with Rose and Jenny, both now true Time Ladies, she defeats the Daleks and Davros, taking Rose and Jenny as her companions when Donna bows out.

With her death quickly approaching, the trio of Tylers are sidetracked when they visit Jack and discover the 456 are trying to steal the children of Earth. After the deaths of Jack, Ianto, and Owen, only for all three to be resurrected, the Apocalypse takes on the mantle of Time Lady Victorious, gathering the 1001st from UNIT and wiping out the soldiers stealing children. After murdering several in cold blood, the Apocalypse is snapped out of her rage when Jenny chooses to sacrifice herself in able to force the 456 from Earth.

After the Master is resurrected, the Apocalypse fights one last time against her people when Rassilon and the Time Lords force their way to Earth. The last acts of the Master and the Doctor, alive despite the Time Lords' lies, are to save the Apocalypse from being killed by the Master. Despite their sacrifice, the Apocalypse's death comes when she chooses to take Wilfred Mott's place, killed by deadly amounts of radiation.

The Tenth Apocalypse took on Rose's blonde hair in fishtail braids and Jack's blue eyes and American accent. She wears a burgundy turtleneck, white skinny jeans, brown heeled cowboy boots, a white waterfall cardigan, and a sparkling white scarf. When Rose is gone, she dons a turtleneck the color of a dark pink rose, black skinny jeans, grey cowboy boots, a black waterfall cardigan, and a black sparkling scarf, dying her hair dark brown in the process. She still wears her silver Gallifreyan wristwatch. She is portrayed by Leven Rambin, and her theme is "Colchis Bull" from Percy Jackson and the Sea of Monsters.

She is the main focus in "Apocalypse Rising: Book Two" to "Apocalypse Rising: Book Five" with an appearance in The Bad Wolf Chronicles' "Ending of the Hours" during "The Next Doctor."

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