Celebration day and Family reunion

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Narrates Twilight

I woke up knowing that today would not be a day like any other, today it was my turn in the place that would be the moon. I had to lower the moon so that Celestia would raise the sun, so I prepared myself but I did not know if I looked good until someone talked to me

Flash: You look very cute Twilight-said smiling-

Twilight: You think I did, I'm fine?

Flash: Of course,-he said smiling

Twilight: Thanks, but what are you doing here?

Flash: I was coming to ask you if I was ready for the celebration

Twilight: if I'm coming, "I said something thoughtful.

Flash: something happens to you Twilight-said worried-

Twilight: do not worry, nothing happens

Flash: are you sure?

Twilight: yes, but why are you so worried?

Flash: I want the best for you, and I do not want something to happen, and she knows anything she can tell me, she knows that I love her very much as a friend, -she said, smiling a little red.

Twilight: -slacked-Sure, thanks Flash -I said and we hugged, I love that feeling of security, love, and confidence that we both have, then we looked into each other's eyes and we were approaching when my friends arrived and Flash and I on we jump.

Applejack: Twilight you're here with, what are you doing, -he said smiling.

Twilight: N-nothing p-why are you asking

Rainbow Dash: Claro-sarcasm-

Rarity: Well changing the subject it's time to celebrate the summer sun

Pinkie foot: hu I'm so Nervous

Rainbow Dash: so what do we expect, let's go

Fluttershy: Twilight is wrong with you

Twilight: no, it's nothing


The girls and Flash had arrived where celestia would raise the sun and Twilight stood at one end where is the symbol of the moon, the ponies did not know what the princess of friendship was doing but were amazed to see her under the moon to make way in the sun and that's how the celebration started

Manes-twilight: you were great Twilight

Flash: You were very well Twilight

Twilight: thanks to everyone - they embrace

Celestia: well you can go back to ponyville, to celebrate with your friends

Twilight: thank you princess

And so everyone went to ponyville, thinking that the day of warm hearts was approaching and if it would be another year alone

Flash: Hi Twilight-he said, going to where I was

Twilight: ah, Hello Flash how are you

Flash: good and you said looking at me

Twilight: okay, just something thoughtful

Flash: why

Twilight: it's nothing

Flash: of course it's something, we're friends can tell me

Twilight: it's just that ... it's not like I'm going to manage the Kingdom of dreams by myself - I lied on that subject-

Flash: I think I'll do it excellent-he said smiling.

Twilight and Flash:A Love Of Harmony (Completed)Dove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora