The Midnight Plan

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Narrates twilight

It was a warm morning and I was in the library, but I woke up because I had a very bad feeling that something was going to happen, I was very worried and my friends noticed

Applejack: do you feel good candy?

Twilight: Oh yes, it's nothing, I said without paying much attention to what they said.

Fluttershy: are you sure?

Twilight: if only ...

Rainbow Dash: come on we are your friends

Twilight: is that, I have a very bad feeling that something is coming

Applejack: Don't worry candy, we'll be there no matter what

Twilight: thanks to everyone, there is something they have to know

Rarity: what is dear

Twilight: am .... is .... is that .... Flash .... is .... my boyfriend

When Twilight said that, the others looked at her excitedly


Rarity: what a thrill Twilight, your first boyfriend I'm so happy for you

Applejack: and even better because flash is a very good pony

Rarity: and cute-said watching Twilight-

Twilight: Yes it is, ”she said blushing.

In another part of Equestria

Midnight: jajajajajaja, you think you've won Twilight sparkle but this is only the beginning, but to defeat you I will need to enter the gates of Tartarus to find your worst enemy jajajajaja

At the gates of Tartarus

???:what are you doing here

Midnight: I need your help


Midnight: I need revenge

???: why should I help you

Midnight: why, why he talked about is Twilight sparkle

???: That princess, you owe me and expensive

Midnight: so what do you say you join me

???: consider it a pleasure.....


🌌Brightss Sentry🌌

Twilight and Flash:A Love Of Harmony (Completed)Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora