Chapter Five

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'Tami!' Gwen knocked on my door. First it was Lexi, then Gwen, then Lexi again, then I lost count. Ever cried so much in your life, that it no longer brings the relief you search for?. Instead, it gives you this drilling headache that makes you not dare wet your eyes again?. If you have, congratulations you've experienced pain.

I went and unlocked the door, saving Gwen the pleading even though it was long overdue. Maybe she wasn't expecting me to open for she froze once I did. I left the door open and crawled into my covers. Some seconds later and the bed sank meaning someone was present.

'What happened Tamika?' she nervously asked. It might be because she's never had to play the comforting role which was basically my job. I've always made sure they see me as the strong one, otherwise we'd all be a crumbling mess.

'Nothing' whispered. She sighed before climbing in bed with me and hugging me from behind while I faced the wall.

'You parked outside with a woman inside some hours ago, then you come back, in different clothes and a sobbing mess' she analyzes.

' I wasn't a sobbing mess, I dint cry in front of you' I object.

'I know, that's because you cry alone. I know you see me as a baby but can confide in me you know?' She stopped rubbing my arm an sat up. I did too.

'Okay Gwendolyn. You want to know what's up?' she nodded. And I explained to her everything. I told her about the man who pulled out a knife on me and snatched my purse, to Mr Gena the managing director picking me up and taking me to the nurse. I told her everything apart from what happened at Miss Nanji's house. Or the woman who gave birth to us I should say.

'I am so sorry. What are we going to do?'

'I'm gonna apply for a scholarship. I just have to work really hard and hopefully I'll be given one. But meanwhile am gonna have to start selling something, mandasi, tomatoes. Anything to have money for food, or at least replace the money am gonna withdraw from our savings account.'

She nodded before sighing heavily, 'so who was lady in the fancy car?'.

'Who?' my voice cracked and I coughed it out. She looked at me funny before asking again, ' the woman' she obviously stated.

'She's my lecture. She lives down the block and gives me rides sometimes. She invited me to her house for tea'

'You should have let us come too!' she excitedly says. Her statement disgusted me.

'She's my teacher Gwen. Not my friend. Anyways, am really tired and please don't tell Lexi about the stolen money?, her birthday is in four days and I don't want her to worry over anything. She's too young to be stressing over money'

Gwen nodded. 'Goodnight' she pecked my cheek.

'Night love'


The weekend seemed to pass extremely slowly. I went to the bank early Saturday and took out some money which was supposed to cover one semester of my degree course. It hurt like hell, but it had to be done. We also went and bought kgs of baking supplies which we used to bake trays of pancakes, mandasi and vegetable samosas. The whole Saturday was dedicated to baking and cooking such. And to top it off, I travelled an hours bus ride to chiradzulo to a farm where tomatoes ready extremely cheap which I'll sell double the price in zomba. When I came back, I posted a sign outside listing the gate listing all the things up for sell. But we can only sell them if we are home otherwise I'll be selling at school.

So we did a lot of things this weekend, and we went to church too by the way. So we did a lot, but rest. Which explains why I have bags under my eyes as I walk to school right now. Thankfully it did not rain today even though it's freezing cold, it's for this reason I had to wear Annie's coat since its the warmest thing in my closet. I call her by her name now cause she does even deserve the respect that comes with calling her Miss Nanji even though she's my lecture.

Tamika The Bread Winner✔️Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon