chapter 2

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I wished it was just still a fucking dream. But it wasn't. At all. I was actually stuck in the Naruto Universe. I know I hated my exam but being stuck here was one of the worst things that could have ever happened to me.

Not just because there was perpetual war but if I was lucky enough to not die during the Third one, I'll probably die during the Kyûbi Attack. Or the Sand/Sound Invasion. Or if luck was still with me, The Pain Invasion/Attack/Massacre. Arc Pain still had me shook to this day. There was so many deaths at the same time I felt like watching Shingeki No Kyojin. And it is not a good reference when you want to survive. Even Kakashi died!

If I was lucky to survive all of this, I happened to be extremely lazy. Shinobi life was absolutely not a life cut out for me. That was a fact. I also hated useless drama (quite a hypocritical statement for someone who likes to be dramatic 24/7) and angst! There was drama and angst at every corner in this universe! Just look at Kakashi and Obito. I'd rather avoid angst, it'll worsen my anxiety.

Also, I was not a hero. I didn't particularly want to be a shinobi (ugh, just thinking about the needed physical efforts makes me want to curl myself into a ball in my bed under my blanket with a book and never move.) and I didn't want to save the world. I liked being passive. In this kind of matter, anyways. I was the kind of person who would do absolutely nothing if they were stuck during the French Revolution. Fuck royalty, the monarchy, the supremacy of rich people and everything but I'll absolutely do nothing.

That was why the situation here became hella complicated. See, even if I was too lazy to do something, feelings were implied here. Ew. I hated dealing with those. I wasn't at Sasuke's level of emotional constipation or even Kakashi's one, I liked to show that I'm happy, smile in front of people etc but admitting that I care about certain people and showing it in plus of my affection may be considered as holy. I never did it for someone in 18 years of career. Except for my parents but that was a long time ago and it was unrelated to all of this. Even my friends. The few times I told them that I cared I was under the heavy influence of alcohol and drugs. It didn't really matters. To summarize, feelings were super hard for me.

That was why I was confronted to the dilemma of the century :
1) MMBDNTBFA (Mind My Business and Do Nothing They'll Be Fine Anyway) which is a choice that I liked. Everything was in the title. Even if my favorite characters will have to go through a world of shit and Obito, Minato, Kushina and a ton of other people will die but at least I'll be fine and the future will still be predictable. I could live a tranquil civilian life and get killed easily but at least it'll be chill.
2) HSTMTW (Help Save Team Minato and thus The World) which was a plan that I liked on theory but not on practice. I'll have to actually go through all the pain of the academy, (yay school again! note the sarcasm) and become somewhat of a good kunoichi if I even want to dream about being a part of Team Minato, not die at the first C-Rank mission and hope to keep up with the future generation of Jonin. Don't even get me started on keeping up with Kakashi and Obito. It was all very vague but that was something. Little steps by little steps.

I had to choose between being selfish or being a selfless (I hope) mary sue who tries to help and save everyone and fix everything. Even if it was for a good cause.

I blamed everything on Kishimoto at this point.

I.. I'll think about it later. That was a good plan.

I also thought I actually died. It was weird but my heart ached way too much during that cursed exam for it not to be a heart attack. What a death. 'Teenager Died During Final Exams Because Too Anxious To Alert Someone', I could already imagine the articles on internet. People on Twitter must have had a good laugh.

At least, I wasn't reborn as a baby. I was quite lucky right now even though it still sucked to be a four years old girl when you used to be a freshly young woman of eighteen years old with rights and whatnot. Vodka, I was thinking about you.

I thought it was just a dream! (KakashixOcxObito) Where stories live. Discover now