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Video: Raining in Tokyo by the bootleg boy, he has all the songs listed in the description of the video.

Xenacious- filled with a yearning for change

The things written in bold is Uruha.

~*~Uruha's Point Of View~*~

"My friends dared me to date you. I didn't love you."


"I don't think I'm the right guy for you...maybe you should date someone else."


"I just wanted to see if I could be with a guy but it seems girls are still the best."


"No one else will love you. No one else will put up with your bullshit like I did!"


"You're just a dumb bitch. All you do is complain."

I'm sorry...

"Your face is just my type...the rest of you not really."

It's fine...

"You're not good enough. No wonder no one wants you."

Please Stop...I can't take it anymore.

"I dated you to feel those lips on my cock and you won't even do that. Pitiful"


I never imagined things would end up this way. So many people had hurt me, made me absolutely hate myself. Every time it seems like I've found someone different or someone who may actually have feelings for me...somehow, it always gets ruined. Whether it be that I fuck everything up with my insecurities or they find someone else better, things never seem to end on good terms. Everything just felt so grey and dead. Every waking moment was just plagued with depression and loneliness to the point I began to hurt not only mentally and emotionally, but I was also starting to feel physical pains. Cutting myself just wasn't doing anything for me anymore.

I gripped onto the rail tighter, just looking down at the dark water. The water was rushing rather quickly and with the chill in the air, I just knew that the water also had to be freezing. I leaned forward, my arms stretching behind me as I continued hanging onto the railing. I could feel my feet slipping on the edge of the bridge just slightly. I was shaking with fear but I wanted to let go so badly. I closed my eyes and began to loosen my grip on the railing until I felt a light shine on the side of my face. "What are you doing? Climb back over before your fall!" I heard a voice and then footsteps as I pulled myself back to the railing. I looked over at the speaker as he started coming closer.

"Don't come near me or I'll really jump!" I shouted and the man stopped in his tracks, continuing to shine the flashlight on me. "I don't know who you are but you have no obligation to stop me! After all, if I do this the pain will stop. So what if I just become another number on the country's suicide bulletin." I looked back at the water, watching it rush under the bridge. 

"If you jump, I'll have to go in after you. I'm a police officer and it's my duty to protect and save. Now, if you come back over the rail I can save you from whatever has pushed you this far." The words were kind and they sounded sincere...but I had so many encounters with 'nice' guys that I knew better than to just trust him. I heard footsteps again and now the man was by my side. He turned off his flashlight and placed it back in its holder that was strapped to his belt. "Let's just talk and maybe you'll trust me. My name is Akira and I'm 25 years old."

I nibbled my lip after he finished speaking and finally, I sighed and gave in. "My name is Kouyou. I'm 22." I looked back down at the water and once again contemplated letting go. I didn't see a reason to just sit here and humor this man. "If I let go will you really go in after me?"

There was a long silence before Akira cleared his throat, "of course I would. My job is to protect people and save them from danger. Now, if you give me your hand, I'll help you back over and rather than standing in this freezing weather, we can head back to a coffee shop or something."

Finally, I sighed and turned to face the rail and then I finally looked up at Akira. He had short, blonde hair and chocolate brown eyes with thin lips and a cloth covering his nose. In short, he was very attractive. I took hold of Akira's hand and he helped me back over the rail. Once I was standing on the bridge beside him he took off his jacket, placing it on my shoulders before wrapping an arm around me. "There's a nearby shop, we should head there and get you warmed up."

Once we made it to the shop, Akira led me to a table and ordered us both some coffees. Akira sat across from me and just seemed to be examining my face rather carefully. He smiled softly at me and our coffees were brought out to us. The coffee shop was nearly empty aside from us and a couple who sat near the back. "So, Kouyou. Why were you going to jump?"

The question came as no surprised but it was something I really did not want to answer. I picked up my coffee and just stared down at it for a long time before finally looking back up at Akira who was still waiting patiently for an answer. "Uhm, it's actually a stupid reason I suppose. I'm lonely and quite depressed. The medication doesn't really help me and even though the doctor is trying her best it's hard to find the correct dosage or specific medicine that helps. I've never had any luck with love either. People always find something wrong with me."

Akira didn't seem very surprised but he didn't seem disgusted either, he seemed to be listening and hanging on to every word as he processed what I was saying. "All the people I've dated in the past...it didn't end well. They always said the things that cut through me the most and I figured if I'm just going to be alone, I should just end it now. At least then the depression and loneliness will leave me alone."

Akira frowned as he also grabbed his coffee, looking it over as he seemed to be in deep thought and finally, he looked up at me again. "You just need someone to help carry your burdens, someone to lighten the load off your shoulders. Sometimes, those people are the most random individuals you can meet." Akira reached his free hand over and took one of my hands in his, softly rubbing his thumb over my hand. "I think you're absolutely beautiful and I'm glad I was the one to save you."

I blushed at the words, I could hardly believe what I was hearing. "Kouyou, if you'll let me, I would like to ask you out on a date...maybe next Saturday if you're free. But of course, your answer is totally up to you, I will not force you to accept this invitation. So, what is your answer?"

"Yes...I'd love to."

~*~The End~*~

Author's Note

Well, this is the end of this one-shot but there is still more to come. Sorry that this was so short, I'm still getting into the habit of writing again but lately, it just seems my depression and anxiety is getting in the way. Sometimes it just feels a bit too hard to get back into writing and other times I spend hours at a time writing, editing, and rewriting my stories. But I actually have something special coming soon. It's labeled "All Our Hate." It is a 2-part one-shot that will be at the start of my one-shots but it will also be its own book with a nice cover I made. It's in 2 parts because it's going to be extremely long.

Thank you for reading
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~Miss Moral~

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