When they see me (Korey Wise ) [unedited]

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Being brown in America is a struggle man, imma criminal because I'm black in a white country. Every single day I gotta be scared to even walk to school, Scared of some white police officer throwing me into a car because I have melanin in me.fuck the police, fuck the social justice system, and fuck white America
(I will be switching in and out of povs so don't get confused when I right "you" and "i")

"I'll see you later Wise."
"Bye y/n," He said grinning, "you wanna meet at Kennedy's when you done?"
"Maybe we don't gotta meet up. Maybe you can go to school with me and we can go afterwards." I miss him. He was the only thing that physically kept me alive in that school.
"Maybe another time, I promise," he said and held his pinky out. You interlocked yours with his and analyzed his face. You never realized how attractive&cute he was until now.
" I swear if you break this promise I'm never gon' buy you skittles again,"
"nahh I know you wouldn't do me that badly," he said with a smile
"Ooh you think you know me now wise?" You said in a playful way but with an attitude
"I meann from kindergarten to the 10th grade I would assume so,"
"Oh shut the fuck up smart ass,"
"You wasn't sayin that when I had you bent over th-" you popped him in his mouth as if he was a child.
"Make one more nasty joke Korey, imma have you in a headlock." You said trying not to laugh. You and Korey were so close that y'all can tell each other's mood by the way y'all blink (I'm tryna have a friendship like that LMFAO💀😭)nobody understands you more than he does. Your foster mom is a racist dry saltine, your dad is absent and has a record of inappropriately touching younger boys and girls, and Korey was all you had, you had the ability to make Korey feel as if he didn't have a disability at all. You made him feel smart and powerful and like he can rule the world. He made you feel beautiful and like you have a purpose, Korey is your purpose and you are still alive for him. You gave him a quick peck on the cheek and walked away frantically signaling that you were late. Whenever you kissed Korey he felt butterflies from his hair follicles all the way down to his toes. He loved his girlfriend of course but you gave him a different feeling of being loved since his family life wasn't the best either and his relationship with his girl is getting more difficult by the day.


School had ended and you were looking around for Korey were y'all usually meet, he had his shoulder on the brick wall and he was eating his skittles with his back towards you. You noticed he had one in his pocket, it was probably for you. You walked up behind him slowly and grabbed his waist from behind,
"How you doin milk dud?" He jumped from your sudden appearance and dropped his package of skittles.
"We talked about you scaring me like that girl, and stop calling me milk dud." You always called him that due to his brown skin. It was so soft and such a pretty shade of brown, like a milk dud,
"I hope you know that's not gon stop me from calling you that right??" You said laughing at him and grabbing your skittles from out his pocket .
You guys walked away talking about whatever and some white lady bumped into you on purpose and started coming at you guys with pure anger
"Don't you niggers know how to watch where your going?! This is why your kind should have stayed in Africa where the monkeys give you aids!" (I'd be damned if someone ever disrespected me like that💀) This isn't the first time you had been disrespected by a white person while going somewhere, so you knew how to handle this unlike him. Your poor baby was scared to death. You had bought a voice recorder that you kept on you at all times for events like these, you had gotten that whole thing on tape and the bitch ain't even know.
"First of all, we are black, not African,but black. Second of all this is a New York sidewalk, so instead of taking your sweet time bumping into us you could've easily walked around us. So so sorry if my skin, or my brown eyes, or even my hair scared you and you felt the need to say that uncalled for bullshit, but if you'll excuse me, me and my best friend will continue minding our business as you should be too. Good day now ma'am."
"You niggers will rot in hell,"
"I hope you have a stroke and bleed, badly. Now get out of our way and go take a shower. You smell like old period blood and your breath is burning me to a darker shade.Come on Korey." You grabbed Koreys hand and walked off knowing you had made that bitch angry angry. You laughed to yourself and noticed Korey was upset,
"What's wrong mi amor?"
"nothing, nothin,"
"Maaan, you know I know you like how I know my full name."
He sighed and looked down, "I just hate bein seen as a threat. Imma good person but they don't see that, when they see me, they see an animal, a trouble maker, and a wild creature. I wanna be seen as something better than that. I wanna be seen as a good guy with good intentions,"
"We live in a white country,Wise, no matter how old we get we always gon be treated differently because of the way our skin is. I'm scared too,Being brown and black in America makes us automatic bad guys, but as long as we know our truth, and as long as we know our purpose, we can concur anything that this awful country throws at us. In the worst ways and the best ways, we have each other to keep us safe and that's all we need. You are my purpose Korey, you are the reason I live, you are the reason I'm still sane, and the reason why I fight for what I love because I have you,the only person that stuck by me and didn't leave. Korey King Wise. Don't you forget it either. I love you,"
"I love you too y/n, I know I can make it through as long as I have you with me."
You guys hugged for 10 minutes straight and after you guys decided to walk to Kennedy's and get y'all long awaited chicken and fries.
I hope this chapter is enjoyable😚 it's the longest one I ever written. It took me like two hours lmao😭 I personally like it a little bit and it shows black excellence. But yeaaaa stay tuned babiesssss😘😘

 [Jharrel Jerome&character imagines) Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt