Getting to Know Each other

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It was a humid Wednesday night and my father, of course, went out to go drink. I smiled softly to myself,  the first time in a long while, as I watched the chubby figure amble his way to the Priest Hole without a care in the world. I waited a few minutes afterward just to make sure he wasn't coming back since what I was doing is highly dangerous. 

I briskly walked down the stairs to the living room and then pushed the front door open, the cold wind greeting my face. I locked the door behind me and headed my way to the beach that was thankfully only about 8 minutes away.

The waves were once again overlapping fiercely and the sand was still damp from the perspiration. I looked around foolishly for my new friend, Millard, but then realized that he was invisible. I sighed and picked a less wet place for me to sit and wait. For what seemed like hours, I sat alone hoping that this wasn't some crazy hallucination or joke.

 I felt a small tap on my shoulder, causing what felt like electricity to shoot through my whole body. I turned around to face what seemed like a floating hat..?

"Hullo, my dear Emily! I told you that I would come back!" I let out the breath I didn't realize I was holding out. He was real, despite his whole existence going against every law in science. I guess he really was magic.

"Hi Millard," I responded with a slight giggle. I patted the space next to me. The boy quickly turned around and took a seat.

"So," He had begun,  "Tell me, what's it like to have an invisible boy as your friend?"

"Well, I have never really had a friend before so I guess that's cool. It's nice to have someone who doesn't judge you the second they meet you, you know?" I replied. My thoughts trailed off to all the people at school who make fun of me since I had no mother, even though there are other kids who don't have both parents too.

"I know how you feel. I mean I have my friends back at the house, heck, they're like my family, but sometimes I feel like they don't really know me. It's almost like if you read a title for a book and judge it by what you see, instead of reading what is inside," I nodded my head. For a long time, I had thought that I had lived a life full of emptiness; I've never been interested in a world where I cannot share happiness with others, and I speak for most people when I say this. But now that I have someone that I can talk to, someone that I can finally call my friend, maybe living had a bit more hope than I had originally thought.

I clapped my hands together and said, "Well, how about we get to know each other more," He agreed. So we started to ask one other trivial questions such as, 'What's your favorite color?' and 'What's your favorite book?' and etc.

Apparently, Millard and I have a lot in common. We spent a lot of the time talking about our favorite books and classical music but somehow we got side-tracked and he started to ask personal questions.

"Why were you crying yesterday?" He inquired. I averted my eyes to Millard. I started to move around as if I was sitting on a pile of bricks. It's not like I didn't want to tell him, but I did just meet him, and I'm not just going to spill out all of my problems to someone I barely knew.

"I mean, you don't have to tell me. I was just kinda worried since you were crying and talking to yourself," He continued. I let out a breath that I didn't realize I was holding and silently thanked him.

"It's not like I don't trust you at all, Millard. I just need a bit of time,"

"No, No, I understand! Just remember that I will always be here for you, okay?" Millard softly put his hand on top of mine and gave it a reassuring squeeze. A blush spread to my face before I had time to compose myself. It's probably the cold, I had told myself, definitely not because what he just did was the cutest thing ever and I want to hug him even though he's naked.


The sky was starting to become a lighter shade of blue and I realized, sadly that I have to start heading back before my dad comes home. I stood up and stretched my arms and legs. "I have to be going but I'll see you tomorrow right?"

Millard laughed and pat me on the shoulder. "Don't worry my dear friend, I will come tomorrow and delight you with my vast knowledge of things!" He exclaimed, tipping down his hat. I grinned and thanked him one last time and went back to my house.

There was no doubt about it, Millard Nullings truly is someone special.

Yeah, so this one is kinda short due to some writer's block, but I'm fine now and I can't wait to get the new chapter up. Let's just say it's going to be really hilarious. (>U*)

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 08, 2019 ⏰

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