A peculiar boy

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It was freezing cold out, I almost wished that I had a pair of pants to wear. I pushed the thought away. I knew that if I wore anything people would notice, that's not what I want.

I was having quite a hard time sleeping tonight so I thought a bit of fresh air would help. I also decided that it would be nice to get out of my loop to see the present. I mean, it's only been about 2-3 years but who knows, a lot of things can change in a short amount of time. As I walked through the seemingly empty town I saw the most beautiful flower garden ever. There were many types such as Sunflowers, lilies, roses, buttercups and my favorite, morning glories. I walked towards the quaint house kneeled down and smelled them. I caught a glimpse of a figure and looked up to see a girl gazing up at the stars. She had short auburn hair and some freckles along her face. That's when I noticed her eyes; they were a vivid olive green. I also noticed that they were filled with sadness. In fact, everything about the girl's posture and expression just yelled, "OH MY GOD I WANT TO DIE!" I let out my breath that I hadn't realized I was holding. I had to admit, she was super cute. I felt my cheeks flush a tiny bit. It couldn't possibly be because of her right? No, it had to just be the cold!

I got back up and moved some of the flowers in the process. Oops! The girl looked right into my eyes suddenly. I doubted that she knew I was there yet it felt strange. She looked super paranoid and kept looking around suspiciously. I ran away as quickly as I could, hopefully, she was daft and thought that it was just wind even though there was no wind that night.  

That night I kept having strange dreams about that same melancholic girl.

Perfect! (Sarcastic Millard is being Sarcastic)

I updated again?! I am very shocked. I know this chapter isn't very long but it was super fun to write. I just love writing this!!! (>o<) Anyways, have a good day/night whenever you are reading this!!

                                                                                                                     -Author person

P.s, I still want tacos.... =(

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