Part 2

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The caterpillar man pulls me to the front if the class.

"By no means are you average, you beat all the scores for your age with flying colors. But you still have the lowest score out of anyone here. What's you quirk".

"Simply said, I don't have one"

(Izuku's PoV)

The look of suprise on his face was priceless, along with the rest of the class. Confusion, denial, anger, all perfectly natural reactions for such news. Then ofcourse the explosive dandelion stomped over.


"Kacchan? Is that you? Wow, you grew into an even bigger asshole, congrats"

"YOU THINK THIS IS FUNNY? I'LL FUCKING KILL YOU! DIE!" he screamed launching a explosion powered right hook.

I slipped under him, putting his arm around my shoulders while I do the same to him. Then I start walking us over to the rest if the class, "You know I'd love to catch up too but I'm kind of in the middle of stuff at the moment".

As I let go and started walking back to the changing room I turn to Wonderlands local caterpillar, "If you have anymore questions I'm sure Nezu will be able to answer them".

(Momo's PoV)

'Whyyyyyy' I thought as I watched Izu leave. Looking at Mr. Aizawa he was smiling like a madman. Bakugou however was furious, literally steaming. I really need to have a word with father about this.

Time skip to them being home early

"FATHER, WHAT IS THE MEANING OF THIS!" I yell marching into his office. Inside was my father who with a nuetral face looked up at me as if nothing was wrong. Izu was in there with him giving the same expression as my father.

"This is about the Izuku in your class thing, right"


"I told you this before, Izuku is your butler and bodyguard everywhere, even school"

"BU--" I was cut off.

"Besides, Izuku hasn't had a normal school life in years, and I thought he should have some friends, or were you going to keep him trapped here?".

I couldn't counter that. It had been years since he's been to any school. Who was I to decide whether he could go to school or have friends for that matter. Looking Izu didn't help either, I could tell he really wanted to go.

"Fine, just don't get yourself hurt, you here me" I glance over to him to see his beaming smile.

Later that night

'I can't sleep' I thought as I started to wander the halls. 'I just need to get to him'.

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