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A chorus of laughter erupted at our table as Dean continued to tell my dad about the time he dressed up as a banana for a match.

"Yeah honestly, I was probably drunk," Dean admitted, making my father laugh again. "Not one of my best moments."

"Sure is memorable," my dad said, causing Dean and I to nod.

For the past hour, my dad and Dean have bonded over matches. Wrestling was both their major passions and they easily connected over it. My dad even admitted he always wanted to do matches like Dean did when he was Moxley. It was the hardcore he promoted but never got to truly do.

Dean of course said he admired my dad's work. He said he paved the way for creative writing and big-name characters. Undertaker is something you will always remember.

Of course, my dad did the routine questions like any parent did when their child started dating someone. Dean handled it wonderfully because out of everyone I've dated, this is the person he was most talkative with.

This is a dream.

"Don't forget Alex here," Dean suddenly said. "She has had some crazy matches."

"Oh trust me, I know," my dad chuckled. "I've even yelled at her about some of them but I can't help seeing my baby get hurt."

I roll my eyes playfully, "I'll be a fine dad."

"Until you're out for months getting hip surgery," he warned me.

"I'm dangerous but I'm also safe," I reasoned. "Let's hope that doesn't happen for a while."

My dad just shook his head as he finished off his burger across from me.

My eyes met Deans next to me and he sent me a toothy grin before placing a small kiss on my forehead. I smiled trying hard to contain the blush in my cheeks because I've never shown PDA in front of my dad.

I sheepishly meet my dad's eyes and I see a slight smile on his face which kind of shocks me. I thought he'd play the tough dad act at that but maybe he likes Dean.

"I like you, Jon," my dad voiced. "You're good for her."

"She is one of the best things that ever happened to me," Dean admitted. "I will be nothing but good to her."

"Good," was all my father said before the waitress came back with the bill.

Before Dean could grab his wallet from his pocket, my dad stopped him. "Lunch is on me today."

We both just nodded knowing that arguing with him had no point. He would win.

I leaned my head on Dean's shoulder and continued to pick at the fries in front of me.

My mind began to wander over the past two hours. This was the dream encounter anyone who shed for when it came to their significant other meeting their more scary parent. Instead of the lunch being filled with awakened silence and jabs at each other like most encounters, this one was filled with nothing but laughter and jokes.

I was lucky to have these two in my life. I don't understand why I had so much anxiety about the meeting. They are both lovable people, or maybe that's just how I view them.

I was just so happy how this turned out and I can see us doing this a lot more.

My father came back and placed a tip on the table before turning to me. I stood up and wrapped my arms around him, already knowing he had to go.

"I'll see you soon sweetheart," he said as he rocked me back and forth making me laugh. "I have some interviews to do for some reason. Didn't know people still wanted to listen to me ramble on."

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 30, 2022 ⏰

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