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After some more time with the fans, Dean and I had to go back in because Stephanie had called for us. After saying goodbye to the fans, we jogged back in to the arena and towards her office.

I was actually kind of nervous. This story line was going to affect my future and I was scared. I've built a pretty good place in the company since I've came and I hoped this story line did not mess it up. I hope it brought better opportunities.

We make it to her office and Dean knocks. I fix my hair before we hear her telling us to come in.

Dean looks back at me as if to see if I was ready and I just nod. He takes that as yes and opens the door, both of us painting smiles on our faces and greeting her.

"Hello guys." She smiled at us. "I called you guys here because we figured out a story line for you both and we want to start it Monday."

Dean and I just both nod, waiting for her to continue.

"Well Dean, we're putting you in a title picture for the World Heavyweight Champion and Alexandria in the Raw Women's Champion." She tells us and Dean and I both jump up.

"That's amazing!" I exclaim, Dean eagerly nodding in agreement.

She smiles. "I'm glad you're both happy."

"We definitely are." Dean assured her.

"Well to start this story line completely off, on Monday, Dean you will fight Jeff Hardy for a qualifying match. Then, when you're about to win, Alexandria will come out and sabotage the math in whatever way she  chooses." She explains. "Then she'll run off, leaving you seething in the ring as Jeff pinned you. I want you both to sell this as much as possible."

We both nod, showing that we were listening.

Even though I was listening, my mind was racing over the fact that I will have a title opportunity. I honestly haven't had one since I stepped foot in this building over a year ago. I knew I was new, but I have been doing so much for the company since then. I actually feel like I deserve this opportunity and I'm happy that it is happening. I hate to ever sound conceited but I worked hard to get to where I am now so I feel I deserve to say this. I put blood, sweat, and tears in to this business in such a short time.

It's finally time I get something as amazing as this in return.

"The point of this story is we want to build you two into a dominating heel couple who owns high championships." She explains further. "We want her to sabotage you some times and the last sabotage will be her kissing you and running off."

I looked at her shocked. She wants us to be an onscreen couple?

"From then on, she will admit her feelings through a backstage segment and then next Raw you will find her and kiss back." She smiles at that. "Then, you both takeover the next Raw demanding title matches, a complete heel vibe from you both. Make yourselves get hated by the crowd. We want a big heel duo and we, my husband, Vince, and I, thought you two would be the best to do it."

I look at Dean stunned for a moment. This run could definitely change our careers.

"I'm down." Dean said.

"Me to." I tell her and she smiles brightly.

"Perfect! You both won't regret this. We trust you guys to follow this basic format but put out what you want to do so you have freedom." She begins to pull out a contract. "Sign here please."

After signing some spots and asking more questions for a few more moments, Stephanie sent us out of her office.

"So tonight we act normal I guess, then Monday everything changes." Dean notes and I nod, getting closer to him and grabbing his hand, snuggling up to his side.

You Don't Know Me → Dean AmbroseWhere stories live. Discover now