Chapter 1: America to London

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A.N: Y/N= your name Y/L/N= your last name

I was at the Hollands as per usual, after all Harry and I are best friends. Their parents joke that they might as well set up a bedroom just for me since I'm always there. It was a fall afternoon, the sun glistened across the trees of the Hollands back yard where Harry and I found ourselves lounging in the grass.

The two of us were completely silent as us both took in earths glow.

"y/n?" Harry asked as he turned his head to look at me.

I was still looking up to the sky counting all the clouds I could see,"ya," I replied without taking the sky out of site.

"Nothing," he answered before sitting up.

"Nothing?," I asked, I copied his movements and sat up too.

"Nothing," he replied as he gazed in my eyes in a way that felt longer than usual, though a lot of things Harry does tends to feel more intimate than usual.

A small smile seemed to appear across my face.

"You know you're a real weirdo Holland," I said before looking at the border of tall trees the Hollands have planted.

"Wonder where I get it from," he said before glancing at the trees I seem to have a sharp focus on.

A silence fell between the two of us before Nikki called us in for dinner. As we stepped into the house the smell of chicken and potatoes filled the air.

"Food smells Wonderfull," I complimented.

"Better thank the shop I got take out from then," she joked and earned a few laughs from me and Harry.

"Mom, the wifi's acting all shitty again," Sam yelled at he stomped down the stairs and joined Harry and I at the dinner table.

A small laugh escaped my mouth as Mrs.Holland went to tell Sam not to curse.

"Told ya I was a rebel y/n," Sam jokes with a stupid wink.

Harry scolds him.

"Oh you're such a bad boy Sammy," I tease taking a sip of water Nikki set down for us.

As we all indulged in the food Nikki put out for us mid dinner the front door burst open with Mr.Holland.

"You guys won't believe who's here," he exclaims with a huge grin on his face.

An eye roll escaped from Harry,"ew Tom's back."

"Hey I can hear that," Tom yelled as he wheeled his suit case and left it by the wall, he came and sat with us serving himself a plate of mashed potatoes.

I never really talked to Tom especially after he's always moving from place to place filming and all. He became a real big celebrity in these past years. He was nice, though sometimes his hot shot attitude did get annoying but he was able to apologize for that with his looks. I mean no wonder there were millions fan girls constantly drooling over him.

"Hey y/l/n didn't know you were coming," he said with a sly smile.

I felt...nervous, I've gotten close to all the Hollands yet this one still manages to get me weak.

"Are you stupid Tom, she's always here, making out with Harry in that tree of there's out back," Sam jokes.

A harsh blush creeps up my neck covering my cheeks.

"Shut up Sam," Harry nags as he slaps the back of Sam's neck.

Tom looks at you with a curious expression, almost seductive like. Though I guess any look Tom gives is seductive like.

"You guys- you guys are dating?" he asks, his look suggests he's eager to find out the secrets of his brothers dating life.

"No, no we're not," I brush him off before taking another bite of food in front of me hoping the conversation will end there.

Ever since the eighth grade everyone's always asked about the inside scoop on Harry and I. We've had more dating allegations than I could count, sometimes if I let my mind trail off for a bit too long I start to think what life would be like if I did date Harry. I mean we are already close, but even if I did have a crush on him I think I surpassed the immediate levels of the friend zone.

My cheeks still tinted pink as Tom's eyes were laid upon me, makes eating a lot more awkward. Harry seemed to be embarrassed as well, his cheeks a pinker shade than usual though he still has a small smile as he was thinking of something, thinking of what if.

"Awfully quiet for a table of young people," Nikki said cheekily taking Harry's, Sam's, and I's empty plates.

"Well it's hard for Tom and Harry to start a conversation when they're too busy gazing at y/n," Sam's comments always bring that ever so familiar embarrassing blush back.

It doesn't help that Sam can't not make a dumb comment about me for more than a minute. Sometimes I wish I could smack Sam, though I'm saying that like I haven't already.

"Tom, you just get back and you're already on girls," Nikki smiles.

Tom tries to play it off slyly, he's able to sway a conversation every which way. I guess he adopted that talent after getting constant questions about movies he can't spoil, other wise Marvel would kick his ass.

"Mom, I think we're about done dinner," Harry interjects,"I'm gonna bring y/n home."

And with that Harry and I laughed the whole awkward exchange off, it wasn't our first time dealing with Sam's remarks. Though it was nice seeing Tom again, it's still odd that throughout the entire meal he kept sending looks my way. I'm probably just hallucinating.

The sunny sky seemed to fade away into the dark abyss. Not too dark, just enough sunlight to know where you're walking.

"Sorry about Sam, you know he's always being a jackass,"

"Trust me I know, I have only been to your house over a million times Holland,"

"Right, and uh sorry about Tom,"

"Tom?," I ask,"What did he do?"

"I mean he was sending googly eyes across the table, you can't say you didn't see it,"

There it was that blush again, but with that blush came a weird feeling in my stomach. Tom's always been so good looking to me, but I never really spent any time with him after all I spend most my time with Harry.

"Harry follow me," I smile.

I'm not fucking your brother: T.H x ReaderOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant