Art trade

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This is my contribution towards mine and VeryToxicFandom 's art trade!

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This is my contribution towards mine and VeryToxicFandom 's art trade!

Let me explain a few things real quick:
1. The monster looming in the background is something that the main character sees due to her having schizophrenia. The way I have interpreted this is that some days the monster is small and bright but when the character feels resentful towards them the monster grows, feeding on the characters fears until it is scary enough to control her.
2. The choice of colours might seem out of place, this is because the character is trying to fool herself into thinking that she is fine by wearing bright happy colours, as she fears going anywhere to try and find help, but the truth is she's not and the problem is getting worse by the day. But these colours also serve to fool the people around her, too.

Hope you like it,

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