I basically spent the next few hours talking about my world and answering Alice, Rosalie and Bella's questions.


I was sat down with the rest of the Cullen family waiting for Bella with Nico on one side of me and Rosalie on the other. The Cullen's (mainly Alice no doubt) had really gone out of their way with the decorations but it was stunning. There was a sudden faint murmur sweeping through the guests then everyone fell silent.

I turned my upper body in my seat to see Bella and her dad walking down the isle. Bella still looked terrified but when she saw Edward you could see some of her nerves vanish. Bella looked amazing. Alice and Rosalie did an amazing job with her while I was keeping them all entertained by talking.

"Ladies and gentlemen we are gathered here on this glorious day to witness the union of Bella Swan and Edward Cullen-"


Most of the guests were standing in a sort of circle as the bride and groom danced, followed by Bella and her father, then Edward and Esme. I hoped that I wouldn't have to dance but that didn't seem to be the case when Alice and Rosalie dragged me onto the makeshift dance floor. It seemed that Emmett must have done the same to Nico as Alice and Rosalie placed me in front of him.

As the music changed all the Cullen members began to dance with their partners. Bella and Edward. Esme and Carlisle. Alice and Jasper. Rosalie and Emmett. And now it seems Nico and I. Am I the only one who thinks that this was planned. There honestly was no way out of this without making a scene.

"Hey." Nico muttered quietly.

"Hi." I muttered back.

"So..." Nico trailed off awkwardly. Neither of us were really sure what to do.

"Er... How about I put my hands on your shoulders and you put yours on my waist." I suggested awkwardly pretty sure I would be flushing bright red if I had my human charm on right now.

"Ok." Nico muttered back and we both just sort of stood there awkwardly for a second before I placed my hands on his shoulders and he placed his on my waist. Even through the fabric of my dress I could feel the faint warmth and weird tingly feeling that accompanied it. We weren't disastrous but we weren't amazing at dancing either.

After perhaps twenty seconds Jasper and Alice did some sort of elaborate dance move which made me have to step even closer towards Nico so that I wouldn't be hit by Alice. I swear that was also planned since Nico and I were now sort of dancing with our bodies just centimetres away from touching. Other than his hands at my waist and mine on his shoulders that is.

Once we had been dancing closer together for a few seconds I gave up on trying to watch my own feet and met Nico's gaze. Strangely our attempt at dancing seemed to get smoother and more fluid, probably because I was less worried about where I was placing my feet and more worried about Nico's dark chocolate eyes.

Thankfully the music changed and more guests began to join the dance floor meaning the amount of eyes on Nico and I reduced significantly. I sighed softly in relief and began to relax more into the dancing attempt.

If I was asked how long we danced... well to be honest I don't know. Eventually, though I was taken away to meet people... Well, vampires mainly.

"Arabelle these are our cousins the Denali coven." Alice told me dragging me over to group of six people. "Tanya, Kate, Irina, Garrett, Eleazor and Carmen this is Arabelle who I was telling you about."

"Hi." I said awkwardly waving my hand. Gods there is so much awkwardness today. Then again I have never been to a wedding before.

"It's a pleasure to finally meet you Arabelle, though I must ask, what is it with the Cullen's and humans lately." Tanya said not at all politely nodding her head slightly in the direction of Nico who was talking to Emmett. I quietly growled at her in warning. I would have been louder but there are human friends and family of Bella's here.

"Arabelle." I then thankfully heard a familiar voice call.

"Hey Chloé." I replied heading over to the Canadian Coven leader. I don't really care if I'm being rude to Tanya. I don't like her.

"You looked like you needed saving." Chloé muttered to me quietly so only I would hear.

"Thank you for that. Where are the others?" I asked her.

"They couldn't make it unfortunately. It's good to see you again though."

"It's good to see you again as well."

"Now go and return to Nico." Chloé told me.

"Alright, I'll go. See you around Chloé." I waved goodbye to Chloé.

"See you around Arabelle."

AN: ok, I was going to write more about the wedding but I really want to get onto the next chapter as it's the Halloween chapter. That means... Last chance to get your Halloween ideas in! Someone already has got part of it right :)

Golden Eyes (Percy Jackson Fanfiction)Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя