Pregnant- Jake Gyllenhaal

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Credits to owner: I forgot, I'm sorry oopsWarnings: just making out etc, no smutWord count: 1085

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Credits to owner: I forgot, I'm sorry oops
Warnings: just making out etc, no smut
Word count: 1085

Imagine, Jake gets home from a long day and you tell him that you're pregnant

It's been a long time since you and Jake started dating, you've been married for a year and a half and were dating for four or five years before that. You and Jake were that rare couple who agreed on almost anything had little to no fights, it maybe because you were close friends before you started dating. So when you told Jake you wanted to have a child it came to surprise to you that he wanted one as well, you reached that point in your life when you feel ready to have one.

You told no one of your plans, wanting to keep it a secret until you actually got pregnant. With both your filming schedules it was hard to find time to do down and go the deed. But when you did find tie, you both made sure to relax and not stress about it knowing that the more you get stressed the more it's more likely you'd get pregnant.

"Babe, I'm home!" Jake called as he made his way inside your shared house, you smiled when you heard your husband's voice, and got up from your desk chair where you were working and to meet Jake by the front door.

"Hey, how was your day?" You asked Jake, and gave him a hug and a pick on the lips.

"It was a good shooting day, a little tiring but nothing too extreme." Jake said and you hummed and you both went to the kitchen where he grabbed a water bottle. It was rare for Jake to shoot in LA where you two lived, but most the movie he was doing was made in studios, he already filmed all the bits out of California.

"That's good." You said and couldn't help but admire Jake as he drank the water. A few drops of water escaped from the bottle and ran down his chin and neck, the water then disappeared down his shirt. You bit your lip, even after all this time you still found yourself turned on by the simplest of things that he did. Jake caught your eyes, and smirked and sat the water on the table, you didn't shy away though not like when you first started dating. You leaned back on the counter and gave him a seductive look, Jake made his way to you and watched him, not taking your eyes off his.

"You know I missed you today." Jake said once he was standing right in front of you, his body barely touching yours. You could feel the sexual tension in the room rise, it suddenly became hot in here.

"Did you?" You asked him and licked your lips quickly, Jake's eyes went down to your lips and followed the movement of your tongue.

"I did." His voice was low, it made goosebumps appear on your skin. Jake put his arms on each side of the counter trapping you in, his face came closer to yours yet not touching. You couldn't take it anymore and leaned up making your lips meet his, as your eyes napped shut. Jake didn't take a second to respond, his arms moved to your thighs, he helped you get on the counter with him standing between your legs. The kiss got quite heated quite quickly. You both started to lose your clothes one by one, on your way to the bedroom, and well you know what came next...

"Hey Jake." You said softly from the bathroom.

"What is it?" He asked slipping on his boxers before making his way to the bathroom, you had a pregnancy test in your hand. "It's been a week already?"

You two agreed that you'd take one, each week. Exactly seven days apart, sometimes if Jake is busy you'd take it alone, but whenever he's around you'd both wait for the answer together.

"Yeah, I already peed on it and I sat the timer as well." You said and you sat on the bathroom counter, while Jake closed the toilet's lid and sat down on it. You didn't dare look at the stick before the time came up, it sat between Jake and you.

"(y/n)." You looked up at Jake, your eyes meeting his. "As always whatever happens its okay, we can always try again, besides that's my favorite part about all this."

"I know, babe." You gave him a reassuring smile, you both have been trying for two months now, you knew some people took time to get pregnant some only needed one time, you told yourself if after a 6 months or a year and you're still not pregnant you'd go and see a doctor. "... I love you." You couldn't help but say, the words may have just slipped out but you meant it, Jake have always been such a supportive boyfriend then fiancé and then husband. You were really lucky to have him by your side.

"I love you too." Jake said back and you both shared a smile before you fell in silence once more. Both lost in your own thoughts, Jake hopped it was positive for your sake more than anything. He knew that if it turned negative for a few weeks more you'll start to feel guilty or stressed and he hopped he won't have to see you in that position.

Your phone beeped signaling that five minutes are over, you didn't dare look at the stick however and waited for Jake chick it first like it always seemed to happen. You'd be too nervous to look so Jake would look and then tell you. Jake stood from his place on the toilet and took the test in his hand, his eyes got wide, and you didn't know what to take his reaction as.

"What? What does it say?" You asked Jake hopping off the counter, Jake ignored you and didn't say anything, you took the test from his hands and your eyes too got wide as you saw the positive mark on the stick. "Oh my god!"

"We're going to be parents." Jake said seeming to come out of his shock, you put the test down and turned to Jake and threw your hands around him, Jake pulled you closer and wrapped his arms around you. You both couldn't wipe the smiles off of your faces, you're going to be parents. There's a child growing inside of you, your baby.

"We're going to be parents."

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