Spellbound- Quentin Beck (Mysterio)

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Credits to owner: ashleanikoal on tumblrWarnings: noneWord count: 1,384

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Credits to owner: ashleanikoal on tumblr
Warnings: none
Word count: 1,384

Imagine being the apprentice of the great Sorcerer Supreme, Quentin Beck, and while he's teaching you a new spell, you start to sense there's something more to his interest in you.

"Focus," you hear your mentor say, "Remember your technique." He stands a few feet in front of you, his arms crossed as he watches you try to conjure the defense spell.

You twist your hands a bit more, the luminous, yellow energy sparking at your finger tips. You'd read the text a dozen times and practiced it twice as much; you wouldn't be bested by such a simple spell. Attempting to clearing your mind, you shut your eyes and continue the motions.

"Excellent." he says, "Very good."

Opening your eyes, you see the discs of light are fully formed, hovering at the end of your reach.

"I did it." You exhale, a smile spreading across your face. The golden light follows your movement as you slowly wave your hands in front of you.

"I knew you could." He says, clapping thrice as he steps forward, "You learned that spell quicker than any other student I've shown."

"All thanks to your teaching." You counter, releasing the spell, watching the sparks fade away into the air. "Not everyone can say they learned from the great and powerful Mysterio."

"Not every one is like you." He says, coming to stand in front of you, "And I've told you a thousand times, it's Quentin."

"Yes, Master Beck." you say, avoiding his gaze as you remove your sling ring.

"Quentin." He repeats, lifting your hand and sling ring up, "We're not done yet. You're ready for Astral Projection."

You look to him, your mouth agape, "Master Karindu said I needed to study more before I tried that."

"You don't master the mystic arts by only reading dusty scrolls. You have to hone your knowledge." He insists, stepping backward into the center of the dojo. "Only you get to define your limits."

You pause, thoroughly evaluating his words. It had only been three months since you'd been 'found' by the sorcerers of the London Sanctum. They'd given you a home, something you'd never really had before, and you were determined to repay their kindness by becoming the best sorcerer you could. Hours of pouring over ancient texts and training with the masters had made you an acceptable student; portals and basic defense spells were almost no challenge, and you were even becoming skilled at practicing magic inside the Mirror Dimension on your own. Yet nothing could have prepared you for when the Sorcerer Supreme offered to take you under his tutelage. You were told by others that it was an opportunity presented to only a handful before you, and it did not take long to see why he was so revered. Magic came to him like breathing, and there seemed to be no limit to the number incantations he knew. You'd be lying if you said time spent in his company was not also enchanting.

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