I did fall asleep at some point to the sound of Ed's voice singing lightly in my ears. I fucking love these beats.


I was awoken by someone shaking me. I opened my eyes and was met with Niall. "We're here." He simply said and sauntered off. I gathered my things and headed off the plane too.

I was excited to see Joanna again, she doesn't know I'm coming, I can't wait to surprise her. I called a taxi and got home. When I opened the front door it was absolutely freezing and the place was in darkness. It looked to be a mess. I dropped my bag in the hallway and went to the sitting room. I turned on the light to find my mother sprawled across he two seater sofa. I didn't know whether she was sleeping or not.

It was then I looked on the coffee table and seen she had wine. Oh God, she's going through one of her phases again.

My whole world spun for a moment but then I remembered Joanna, she's the only thing that matters right now. I know how upset she used to get over this as a kid.

When I was a teenager she would go on a drinking phase for a while, and if you think she's a bitch sober, you should see her drunk. It's been a while and she usually only goes on these benders when something happens.

I don't like this, I hope Joanna is okay.

I went up to Joanna's room but it was empty. I grabbed my phone and phoned her because I need to make sure she's okay. I started to panic when she didn't answer. My hands were shaking violently but I was trying to be strong incase I seen Joanna.

I went back down to the sitting room and shook mom awake. She opened her eyes and looked up at me. "Oh Jenny I-" I cut her off by slapping her cheek. My mind wasn't working with my hand and I had it done before I had even realised it, but I didn't regret it. She seemed shocked, but not as shocked as I expected her to be. "I come home for a few days and this is what I come home to? You fucking know how wrong this is now where the fuck is Joanna?" I asked her.

"In her dads, Jenny, I'm not drunk, I swear." She said, ending her sentance with a hiccup. I didn't even give a shit, I just took her car keys and went to get Joanna, the fact I was going to see my dad didn't even phase me.

I hurriedly drove there and when I got there I opened the door and was met with Joanna and dad.

"Oh my God, Jenny." Joanna said and pounced on me.

"Jenny." My dad smiled and came over and gave me a hug. I hugged him back and gave him the best smile I could muster.

"Mom's on one of her benders again, I'm so glad you're home." She said and hugged me tight again. I know how much this must of upset her when she's in dad's on a week day.

"I know, I found her." I sighed.

"I am seriously thinking on going for full custody." My dad said.

"No." Joanna and I both said simutanieously.

"Why not? I am your dad." He defended.

"You know what you done, I am not having Joanna living with you." I snapped at him.

"Jenny, you know how sorry I am." He said, looking at me with beady eyes.

"I know, but sorry doesn't always fix things." I said and Joanna looked awkwardly between the two of us.

"Why are you home anyways?" She asked me.

"I wanted to surprise you, why didn't you tell me what was going on?" I asked her.

"I didn't want to bother you while you were away, I didn't want you to panic." She shyly replied.

"Do you wanna come home with me now, or are you staying with dad?" I questioned.

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