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The Signs as Queens.

Aries: The Queen who starts unnecessary wars and lost later on.

Taurus: The Queen who chills on her castle all day long.

Gemini: The Queen who is an expert at socializing and manipulates so well, it's scary.

Cancer: The Queen who is so sweet and admired by everyone.

Leo: The most powerful Queen but chose to keep it for the protection of their people.

Virgo: The rich Queen who wears fancy jewelry and shines bright like a star, your eyes can be destroyed.

Libra: The flirty Queen who can take your husband from you.

Scorpio: The Queen who kills her King for power.

Saggitarius: The Queen who probably fights in wars in her younger days.

Capricorn: The Queen who likes to see their servants being punished.

Aquarius: The Queen who makes laws every fuxking day.

Pisces: The Dead Queen. (I'm so sorry for the Pisces people out there.)

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