Form #2 (CLOSE)

293 27 159

Critics and their required payments

Pluma Team
i. Promote our account
ii. (Depending on who will be assigned)
iii. Give us a review (post it in our message board).

i. Read her story, either Roommate Romance or Breaking the Last Rule.
ii.Leave at least one good comment on every chapter of the chosen story.
iii. Give us (Pluma) a review (post it in our message board).

■How to Critique■

i. Technicalities
This includes the grammatical and sentence structure.

ii. Content
This includes the plot, blurb, characters, and scenes.

iii. Others
This includes the title and cover


Story Title:
Focus of the critique:
Tag 7 writers:

Comment inline ------>>>

Ps. We are still hiring 2 more critics.

Pss. To avoid unnecessary trouble, we will inform you if the critique is done. This will going to be your go signal to do the payments. After that, we'll post the critique.

Psss. Please do the rules first before commenting here.

Pluma's Critique Shop (B3, SOON)Where stories live. Discover now