chapter 1

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and... show time! ❞

          the burning sun warmed my tanned skin as i lay on the pool chair. i knew i shouldn't have been relaxing, after all, the main purpose of me coming back to hawkins was to help me figure out what i wanted to do in life. i was freshly graduated with no clue what to do and in a few hours i expected a call from my parents to give them an update though it'd only been a day, i was sure they anticipated a lot more than i could give them.

vanessa lay on the pool chair next to mine. the sunscreen she applied made her skin appear oily, but not in a bad way. her pale skin reflected the sunlight and glistened. her bathing suit was like one you'd see in the movies, with a large zip that fell right down the middle which she had unzipped to show just enough cleavage to make anyone interested whisper to their friends as they walked past. the little black sunglasses that covered her green eyes didn't help hide the fact that she was watching as a smile would slowly creep onto her pretty face.

she truly was stunning and everything i wished to have, she already owned.

i looked at my body from my own angle. my skin was oily from sunscreen too, but they didn't shine like when light is cast on a mountain of expensive diamonds, it looked as if an immense amount of sweat formed onto my skin and i wasn't able to wipe it off. my bathing suit wasn't too flattering either, and let's not forget about my half green and half black fringe. the thought of it all made whatever self-confidence i had left inside of me shrivel up and burn.

"i didn't know that you and steve knew each other," vanessa said out of the blue. she wrapped her hand around the cherry drink that balanced next to her on the chair and took a long sip, on the white straw was tattooed with layers of the same colour of lipstick which she failed to wipe off.

no fun, S. HARRINGTONWhere stories live. Discover now