
He watches them for a second before nodding. "[L/n], lets go."

I hesitantly wave to the others before following after him. Once we're a ways off from the building, I speak up quietly. "Er-Eraser... what did you mean earlier? That my involvement is due to specifics left between us?"

He sighs before slowing his stride so I'm no longer behind him. "Your quirk. I believe that, in the worst case scenario, you can get her away immediately. A last resort."

"...what's the worst case scenario?"

A tense pause.

"Heroes start dying."

I'm silent for a moment. Thinking. The thought of the little girl, hurt and alone, makes me feel angrier than I've ever felt before. Determination over comes me and I find myself nodding. "Whatever I need to do. I'll do it."

Eraser hums before speeding up again. "I thought you'd say that. We've got some work to do."

Instead of going back to the campus, we head for the other side of town. We walk for nearly an hour before stopping. I'm confused but decide to stay quiet, waiting for the hero to explain. Eventually, he does.

"You remember what U.A. looks like? Can you imagine my office?"

The question catches me off guard. "Uh... maybe. Y-you want me to pop us there? If I had my recall lenses-"

He shakes his head, holding out his hand expectantly. "Just in case, you need to practice without them. Use your quirk to get us to my office."

I take his hand nervously. Closing my eyes, I imagine his office. The picture is dark from my most recent memory. A few minutes pass in a tense silence when suddenly- it clarifies.

Less than a second passes when the air is pulled from my lungs and I land far steadier than expected. A sharp pain sears behind my eyes before fading in the same moment. A quick glance around the room shows it is definitely his office and I drop his hand.

I'm startled when he pats my head. Looking up, I see the shadow of a smile on his features. "...That took less time than expected... Now go finish your homework. We have patrol tonight and you can't afford to fall behind in class."

"Yes, sir."

I head back to the dorms, the case weighing heavily on my mind. I manage to avoid my peers on the way to my room. As I begin my work, I struggle to push my worries aside. One thought refuses to budge.

I will do everything in my power to save that little girl...

As the week went on, I continued training and found my combat skills growing. While I don't want to have to fight, it feels good to know that I can if I need to. Ironically, I also learn to get naps whenever and wherever I can. It makes me feel like Eraserhead and I can't tell if thats a good thing.

Eraser takes our patrols as far from U.A. as he can only to make me teleport us back to campus afterwards. One patrol in particular leads to me taking down two villains on my own while Eraser was preoccupied with their boss.

Afterwards, I get to see one of his rare smiles. A smile, not a grin. It's less purposeful, more soft and genuine. I'm not even sure he knows he does it. We get the villains into police custody and end up walking back to the school.

It's quiet for a while until Eraserhead speaks up. "We won't be going on patrol for the next few days. I have a feeling that it'll be time soon."

As it turns out, his feeling was right. The next night, I received a text. I ran downstairs and found Midoriya, Kirishima, Asui, and Uraraka had gotten the same text. The date we were to carry out the plan.

The next day, we all meet up at Nighteye's agency again.

"She's at home?! What's with that?! You saying that our investigations were a waste of time?!?"

Nighteye shakes his head. "No, we did receive new intelligence from them."

"How did you confirm it?!"

The future-seeing hero goes on to recount how he confirmed her location by using his quirk on a man in a department store.

"Thanks to our stakeout, we were right on the money regarding the time frame the scoundrel resides at home."

"And we've got our warrant to boot. All that's left is..."

I send a text.

To: Bakugou
You're in charge of the kitten
for the next few days.

I tried to write in an idea someone gave me but I couldn't figure out how to fit it in the already written chapter so I'm sorry :(

Thank you for reading!!!

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