5. Cookies

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Victoria's POV:

After school me and Belle did a bit of homework and she left for her and Johnathan's date. I just replied all the messages from Matt, telling me when I'd be working and other informations. I then got my purse and went food shopping seeing there was not a lot of food. I knew what we needed and what we didn't so it didn't take that much time. It was trying to reach something but it was too high, I saw a bunch of guys so I asked them.

"Escuse me, I can't reach those cookies, could one of you guys help me?" I asked.

"Of course." said the curly one.

He reached it and gave me the cookies. I smiled and thanked him, staring at his gorgeous green eyes.

"I'm Harry, by the way, Harry Styles." he told me.

"Victoria, Victoria Evans. My cousin is a fan, let me guess. The blond one is Niall, the one that has a very fit body is Liam, the one that has dark hair is Zayn and that's Louis." I said and they nodded.

"Is that how your cousin described us?" asked Liam.

"Not exactly, she said you were the one that, I quote 'hasn 't been arested for the guns he owns wich he calls his arms'." I said and he laughed.

"What about me?" asked Niall.

"The one who eats everything he sees and never put any weigth." I said.

"Well nice talking to you Victoria, but we really have to go before we run late, AGAIN." said Zayn.

We said goodbye and I payed for the food. I got home and ate a sandwich. I prepared pop corns and got in front of the TV, putting on The Walking Dead.

After a few episode I was a bit scared, it was starting to get dark so I promised myself after this episode I would go to bed. I heard the door open and screamed, throwing a pillow. Belle apeared, giggling a bit.

"You're watching the Walking Dead, aren't you?" she asked.

I nodded and she smilled, taking a seat in the couch next to me. We watched another episode where we would chat about her date. I always loved talking to her, we told each other everything. I told my surprising meeting. She got all exited and told me it was thanks to her, because she's the one who loves those cookies. I laughed at her and prepared myself before going to bed, with a big smile on my face.

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⏰ Last updated: Oct 13, 2014 ⏰

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