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"Cal?" I say. "Cal, they're coming."

He's staring out the double pane windows hunched over with both hands in his jeans pockets. His hat is pulled down low over eyes that won't look at me. The gray sky rumbles and clouds froth with the coming storm. I can smell the day's sweat on him.

"Cal?" I say again. The pain is coming like the storm; rumbling and frothing in my belly. "Cal, please?"

He turns. His face is haggard; much too old for someone his age. There's moisture in his eyes that nearly masks the twinkle of excitement. "They're coming?" His lips attempt a smile, but strain against the frown he's been wearing for weeks. "Are you okay?"

"Yes," I lie. Both of my hands go to the bulge underneath the white sheets. I can feel movement beneath the skin like a writhing bag of alien limbs. "You shouldn't have taken me to see that movie."

"I know. I'm sorry." He's beside me now, his calloused hand resting on my stomach.

"I keep imagining them bursting out of my chest." I try to laugh, but a contraction has me biting my tongue instead. Warm blood pools in my cheek. I squeeze his hand until his fingers turn purple.

"Should I call someone?" Bright flares of panic explode in the corners of his eyes.

"Like who? Your brother?" I don't know why I say this, and immediately I'm apologizing. As the contraction subsides I release Cal's hand. It lingers on my belly for a moment and then he pulls it away as he crosses the room. "Couldn't you just forgive him or at least forget about it for a day? Just today?"

"No," he says without turning around. He's looking out into the hallway now.

"I don't know what's going on between you two but it can't be so bad that he misses -" Another contraction. I feel myself screaming. Cal's at my side again. Strong hands envelope mine as I squeeze.

"Doctor!" he yells. "Nurse!"

I open my eyes to see a young brunette in blue scrubs. She's checking the machines that line the bed and feeling for my pulse. Her hands are reassuringly warm.

"How far apart are they?" she asks in a voice barely above a whisper.

"A minute maybe," Cal says. "I donnu. I didn't count the last one."

"It's okay. You've got more important things to worry about," she winks at him and pushes hair out of my face. "I'm thinking you're about ready, hun," she says to me. "I'll call the doctor and we'll get that baby out."

"Babies," I correct her.

There's an almost imperceptible flash on her face. Warm blue eyes that matched her scrubs collapse into hollow black holes. Thin red lips peel back to show sharpened rows of teeth that quiver in wet gums. In less time than it took me to acknowledge the change she shifts back to a young sweet girl with a comforting smile. "Of course. Babies." She winks again at Cal who's staring intently at me, and then leaves the room.

"You okay?" He asks me. "You're sweatin' pretty bad."

He puts a gentle hand to my forehead and I melt a little. "I'm perfect now, Cal. Just nerves." He leans in and kisses my belly, then moves up and kisses my lips and forehead.

"I'm here," he says. "I'm not gonna leave your side. You can squeeze my hand 'til the fingers break." A small smile fights its way to the surface of his face. "But don't, okay? I still gotta work."

I give his hand a gentle squeeze as a doctor hurries into the room. He's staring intently at a clipboard and nearly runs into the bed. "Oops!" he says and looks up.

the series of r/nosleep | volume one: the {smile} seriesWhere stories live. Discover now