Author's Note!

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     First off, I can't believe "A Daughter's Duty" hit over 400 reads! You all are fantastic, and every time I open Wattpad on my app or computer you never cease to amaze me! So thank you thank you thank you (I would write it a million more times but you probably get the point!)

     Secondly, I've been wrapping up my last bit of traveling for the summer, and was away when the "ADD's" readers blew up seemingly overnight! I desperately desperately wanted to give you guys the updates you deserved but limited computer access and rural France-levels of Wifi access meant I was forced to wait until I got home to update you on Cordelia's latest adventures! I got horribly sick my last days in France but now I'm feeling amazing and ready to fill you in on everything Cordelia's been up to.

     Thank you for your reads, your patience, and your energy about this story that was just supposed to be a little side project for me and is turning into so much more!

I love you guys,


Question of the day:

Where's the coolest place you've traveled to?

     *My answer: before this summer I hadn't been anywhere, but now I've been to Estonia and France and both places were so beautiful and amazing that I couldn't possibly pick one! (France was unexpectedly and unbearably hot though)

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