Chapter 8- Stalking

Start from the beginning

"A frat party?" Ruby slipped her fingers in the waistband of his sweats. She smirked, before bringing her lips next to his ear and blew on it. "Your omelet's burning."

Arthur immediately turned around and frantically whipped the omelet into a plate, making her laugh. "It's fine! It's fine."

Jeez. Book a dentist appointment because he was giving her a toothache.

On Wednesday, Nataly opened the front door to let a sopping Jaz in. "Dude, you're an hour late!"

Jaz took off her wet bucket hat and her wet scarf, before pushing the sunglasses up her head. Her eyes were red and spaced out. "I was taking the SAT."

She did take the SAT and then, she took some bong rips.

Ruby flipped a page of her Chemistry textbook. "How'd it go?"

"The test was fine." Jaz took a seat next to her. "So was the supervisor. I wish he S-A-T on me."

Nataly's eyes were wide with astonishment as she peeped into her own textbook. "I can barely understand this gibberish, man."

She never studied anything until a week before finals. She thought it helped her remember better because everything was so fresh.

"It's liabilities." Soy commented. She had already reviewed everything for finals but came to the study group just to gossip.

"I thought they were assets." Tiff frowned, snacking on a bag of Doritos. Her eraser jumped because of Nataly's cellphone that was vibrating just next to it. "Okay, why does Adam keep calling you?"

Nataly eyed her phone and flipped it so the screen was on bottom. "We had a fight."

"About what?" Jaz gaped. She absolutely could not study when she was this baked. And this invested in Nataly's love life.

"Just... stuff." Nataly traced a line on the page with her index finger. "Look, here's assets, too."

Soy leaned in. "What kind of stuff?"

Nataly sighed. "Adam wants to drive me to school and back home everyday but I can walk." The truth was Adam had a tendency to smother Nataly and sometimes she liked it. But not in this case. Her phone buzzed again and she switched it off. "If I see my boyfriend everyday, I'll get sick of him."

"No, I get it." Tiff shook her head, sarcastically. "If my boyfriend offered to give me a ride on his Harley, I too, would prefer to move my legs."

Soy chuckled. "Are we supposed to pick sides?"

"No." Nataly smiled. "You're just not supposed to talk to him until we make up."

"This is why I don't like high school guys." Ruby tutted. "They're just too... subjugating. College guys don't give a shit."

"That's not subjugating." Jaz was looking out the window. The droplets on her neck made her feel like she was in a tropical waterfall. The sound of the rain outside felt like birds calling to her. "What does subjugating even mean?"

"If he really loves you, he'll believe in you." Tiff advised.

"Is that what Arthur does, Ruby?" Soy teased. "Believe in you?"

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