Chapter One- Funeral

Start from the beginning

The gate finally opened and I quickly drove in and got out of my car. I walked up the stairs and rang the doorbell a few times before he finally came down and opened the door. His eyes were red and swollen. His tear stained cheeks were curved up as he smiled at me. The stench of alcohol swiftly invaded my lungs as he lunged at me and pulled me into his arms.

"My baby!" He yelled outloud. "You're my girlfriend!" He slurred.

I shook my head. "Jackson!" I yelled in shock. "I understand you're hurting but drinking is not the way to solve your problems!" I scolded  pushing him off of me.

"Oh piss off Bridgette! If I need a lecture I'll go to my mo-" he stopped when he realized what he was going to say. Instantly his face fell into a frown and he let the glass bottle in his hand fall onto the porch. The alcohol sprayed all over my shoes and drenched both our legs. He stared at me and one by one tears began to stream down his cheeks.

"I can believe she's gone." He mumbled. "She was mother, she can't be dead—I'm her boy. S-She can't leave me." He stammered.

I placed my hands on his cheeks and wiped away a few of his tears. "I know Jackson, I know." I mumbled teary eyed.

He wrapped his arms around me and pulled me closer into the house. The sound of glass crackled under our steps as he shut the door. We stood by the door for several minutes as he let out a several loud sobs. My heart was hurting for him. He was so vulnerable and was in a great deal of pain and I couldn't do anything about it but just tell him things I knew wouldn't take the pain away.

"I love you." He whispered a few seconds after. He pulled away from our embrace and smashed his lips against mine. I backed into the door uncomfortably and tried to move my face away but he wouldn't stop.

"J-Jackson stop it—" I mumbled as he tried to smother me. "Jackson stop it, you're drunk and you're not thinking clearly!" I yelled pushing him away.

He rolled his eyes and wiped the corner of his lips. "You should be lucky to have a boyfriend like me. You'd be damned to find someone else who would wait this long for you." He scoffed. "Come on! I'm a f*cking God! I can have any girl and I settle for the one who won't put out for me."

"Jackson, I'm sorry but no. You're hurting and drunk and I just wanted to make sure you were okay." I shook my head. "I'm leaving. I hope once you're feeling a bit more sober you can give me a call and I can come back."

"Well, don't expect anything because I'm fine. No thanks to you. Get out of here. You can't do anything for me."

"Jackson-" I started.

"GET OUT!" He screamed at me slamming his fist against the wall. "F*CK!" He yelled after pulling his bloodied hand from the wall.

My eyes widened and I quickly grabbed his hand. "Oh god, Jackson let me help-"

"No!" He interrupted angrily. "You've done enough for the day."

"Jackson, ple-" My bison blurred as I felt my body roughly hit the door. I opened my eyes and I painfully fake to the realization that he had just shoved me into the door. I watched him as he stumbled upstairs and disappeared into his room. Tears filled my eyes and began to stramndown my cheeks. Angrily, I wiped them away. Now wasn't the time to get emotional. He was grieving. I knew this wasn't him right now. I sighed and wiped my cheeks before heading up the stairs.

"J-Jackson?" I called out as I walked up.

"Bridgette I thought I told you to leave!" He groaned from his room. I sighed and opened the door to his room.

"Jackson." I sighed as I looked his bloody hand staining the bed. "Please. Let me help you."

"Bridgette you can't help me, this isn't something you can help with okay?"

I nodded in understanding and sat next to him on the bed. He stared at me as I fiddled with my hands.

"I know I can't even begin to comprehend the amount of pain you must be feeling but I just want you to know that I'm here for you and I always will b-"

"Bridgette-" he tried interrupting.

"No, listen to-"

He grabbed my hand. "Bridgette I get it okay? You want to help me and so if you do ju–"he let out a deep breath. "just lay here with me and help me forget this stupid day."

I smiled and climbed beside him. His arm wrapped around my waist and I placed my arm over his chest. "I'm sorry J." I whispered.

"Me too."

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