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"Ah, what a wonderful afternoon." You smile and put your hands on your hips while you stand on the edge of a bridge.

You sigh and just stare off into the distance, that is until you heard a very familiar voice. "Y/N!" Your eyes widen as you whip around looking at the little dick sucker named Jungkook.

"Damn. I thought I was done with this bitch.." You jump down from the edge of the bridge and make a run for it.

"Y/N! Hey! wHere are you going? Stop running! I SAID STOP! Never mind! I'll Just talk to you at school then!"

The next day you walked to school only to notice a new baby boy twink was present in the hall.

"What a wonderful looking boy." You said to yourself, because you're a lonely piece of shit since you're ugly and need some serious work. Physically and mentally.

You watch as the boy opens his locker and digs through it.

"Time to show my nice ass attitude." You smile and walk over.

"Hey new boy I've never seen before."

He looks over at you and just stares silently.

"You're supposed to say "hey" back... if you don't it's going to make things awkward."

He just continues to stare at you silently. Fucking bitch.

"I hope you get an STD." You whisper but he heard anyway since he has ears.

"That isn't very nice..." He frowned and turned back to his locker.

"Says the one that doesn't greet people back." after you said that you hear the boy chuckle as he closes his locker and turns around with a wide smile.

"Sorry! I was just surprised someone walked up to me so soon! I'm Min Yoongi! And you are?"

You just stare wide eyed. "Hell no... I thought you were going to be shy or some shit.. what the fuck is this?" You gesture to all of him.

"This? This is me! Is there something wrong with that?" He furrows his eyebrows in worry and tilts his head slightly.

"You're loud as fucK.. I couldn't imagine what you would be like in bed.."

He chuckles again and shrugs. "I'm usually silent when I'm in bed since I'm sleeping, silly."

You blankly stare at Yoongi. "I can't- excuse my odD questiOn, BuT are you innocent or something?"

He shrugs. "I would only hope so."


Your eyes widen again as you hear the little whore you fear. "Oh damn- sorry Yoongi but I gotta bounce!" You screech as you YEet down the hall the opposite direction of Jungkook's voice.

Yoongi watches you disappear behind the wall after you turned a corner.

"Y/N WHY ARE YOU RUNNING AWAY FROM ME ALL THE TIME!" Jungkook yells while running after you.

Yoongi smiles and walks to his own class.

I'm trying to get tO tHe gOod parTs

Little Hoax || Yoongi X ReaderNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ