Miguel: Uh... he says as he tries to come up with an excuse.

Rosa: No quieres saber, she says causing Miguel to look at her.

Miguel: What? He asks but she refuses to elaborate.

After dinner Miguel and I excuse ourselves from the table and make our way to the dojo, upon arriving there we do nothing but practice our punches until Sensei exits his office.

Johnny: Hey, you don't happen to have any friends who want to learn karate do ya? What I am saying you don't have any friends... sorry.

Miguel: Hey Sensei when am I going to learn to do some kicking? I was watching this YouTube video of this Guy breaking boards and it looked badass!

Johnny: Yeah no shit! Kicking is badass! But you aren't ready, he said looking at Miguel and I. Besides if I don't get more students in here I'm not gonna be able to teach you anything.

Miguel: You've thought about advertising right?

Johnny: Yeah... duh.

I look at Miguel as I internally sigh... he definitely did not think of advertising.

Meanwhile at the Larusso household

Amanda: I've got to run to the office... apparently your cousin Louie didn't show up again! So we're short staffed.

Daniel: Ok, he says not looking at her but instead looking at Kyler not being able to get what Johnny told him out of his head.

Amanda: I know your mother said that he cleaned up his act but it's just not working out... yesterday I saw him stick his bare hands in the popcorn machine! It was disgusting.

Daniel: Mhm, he says still not looking at her but this time she takes notice.

Amanda: You know... Louie opened an underground casino in the break room! She says trying to get his attention and it works.

Daniel: Wait what? He asks finally turning his attention to her.

Amanda: Sam's gonna be fine. We met Kyler... aside from wasting a few bucks worth of tuna he seemed harmless.

Daniel: Yeah? Well I've known plenty of guys who seem harmless but are real pieces of crap behind the scenes!

Amanda: Come on... you're really going to trust that cobra guy over your own daughter?

He just gives her a look before heading to the dealership.

Later at Larusso Auto

Louie: I say you show this punk who's boss... next time he's around you corner him and say, if you get her pregnant your the one that's getting the abortion!

Daniel: What the hell are you even talking about? He says as he looks at his cousin like he's a complete idiot. (Which he is)

Louie: Jungle Fever, the movie. John Turturro says that to um... what's his name? The black guy with the tax problems, kills all the vampires? Blade!

Daniel: I appreciate the parental advice Louie but I don't think threatening a teenager is the go to move here alright?

Anuche: Exactly... you're going to drive Sam right into this guys arms, trust me I've dated girls with daddy issues they're the worst! Or the best.

Louie: Ok then... maybe you should keep an eye on him.

Daniel: You mean spy?

Louie: Yeah...everything you need to know is in thing right here! He says holding up his phone. All you need to do is get her passcode.

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Aug 02, 2019 ⏰

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