"Go ahead, but knock and announce yourself first before you go in. Wait for her to open the door."

"Got it. Keep at it, Toshinori."

The door shut with a soft click and the top hero blew out a long breath, standing from his chair and moving to stand before the floor to ceiling window. "I'll do my best, until the bitter end."

Reaching up, the detective rapped on your door a couple of times before stating, "Detective Tsukauchi Naomasa from the police force. May I come in?" Looking around the hallway, he noticed cameras blinking red lights in the corners but no guards. Your door didn't seem to be locked either. After a few seconds of listening and hearing no movement behind your door, Tsukauchi wondered if you would open up or were even there at all, but his heart jumped to his throat when it opened silently and he came face to face with a dragon.

Despite everything he'd heard about your progress and lack of aggression, he couldn't help the tensing of his muscles as he subconsciously prepared himself to face a dangerous criminal as he had so many times before. But what he saw as the door opened wasn't what he expected at all.

The first thing he noticed was that you were clean, your hair untangled and shiny and your horns filed down from the splintered, jagged edges he'd noted when he'd interrogated you. The second thing he noticed was the new color to your skin and the appearance of more flesh on your bones, a definite improvement from the sickly pallor and scrawny figure he'd seen before. Regular meals must not have been a privilege during your time being raised by villains. Whereas you looked like a broken, mistreated doll before, you now looked more alive. The only thing that was missing was the spark of life in your eyes.

"Good afternoon," you spoke, surprising Tsukauchi even further. He'd been told that you'd started to speak, but to hear it for himself was jolting nonetheless.

"H-Hello, (y/n). I'm pleased to hear that your doing well." Daring to draw his eyes from yours for a second, he glanced over your shoulder and into your room. He caught sight of plain, comfortable furnishings and what looked like textbooks and notebooks spread out over a desk against one wall. "Am I interrupting anything?"


He should have visited you again earlier. This was marked improvement from what he'd seen the night of the U.S.J. incident. "O-Oh. Is that so? Well do you mind if I ask you a few questions pertaining to your entry into the hero course here at U.A.?"

Stepping aside without a word, you allowed him in. Briefly, Tsukauchi wondered if this was a bad idea, wandering into the unpredictable dragon's den alone, but he was moving forward before he could second guess himself. Hopefully he wouldn't leave as a pile of ash.

The room was larger than he first thought, another door in the wall leading to what he guessed was a bathroom and a small kitchen tucked away in the corner. Tsukauchi tried to appear relaxed despite the burning feeling of your cat-like eyes on him, settling into one of the few chairs in the room. He expected you to sit down as well, but you didn't move from where you stood near the door, motionless and expressionless, studying him. For some reason, Tsukauchi knew that the next move he made would define how well this visit went as well as how cooperative you would be in the future.

Looking around, his gaze fell on one of your open textbooks. There was an open notebook beside it with more notes scrawled in it than any of the others laying on the table. A subject you liked perhaps? "I notice you're studying biology. Do you enjoy it?"

"Yes. I believe it's my favorite subject so far."

"Then you're enjoying classes here?"

You were silent for a couple of heartbeats, your head slowly cocking to the side. "I believe I am. I don't think I dislike it."

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