What do you want?

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A/N: Hey~...How y'all doin'? I know this is late. I'm in an accelerated program in uni and it hasn't given me much time to write. I guess I can thank quarantine for opening up my schedule.^^;

Note: when you see ---- it indicates a POV change and when you see ... it indicates a time skip

I do not own My Hero Academia, any of its characters, or the picture.

Reader's quirk: Dragon (can transform into a dragon at will)

Harsh, ragged breathing filled the room, your sheets twisted around your struggling, too-hot body. Your fingers had already transformed into claws, tearing holes in your blankets as you clutched at something, anything that would pull you out of the nightmare ensnaring your unconscious mind at the moment.

The asphalt dug into your bare feet as you ran and ran and ran, too hyped up on your own adrenaline to notice the pain that came with each bloody step. You could hear them coming, angry shouts chasing you through the maze of alleyways and dark corners. They were so close to catching you, you could practically feel the dogs' hot, stinking breath on your heels. You cried out for help, tiny voice ricocheting off stone walls and rows of cages, but there was no one to answer your calls. Sharp teeth caught your shift, tripping you and pulling you back. You turned, reaching for your quirk, but a sharp sting in your arm rendered you limp and helpless, gloved hands restraining you. The last thing you saw before your vision blackened was a gaping maw, ready to swallow you whole.

The smell of smoke singed your nose and your eyes flew open. Shooting up, you gasped in mouthfuls of air, your hair hanging in your face as you curled forwards, wrapping your arms around yourself and trying to calm your thundering heart. Just beneath the surface of your skin, your blood was boiling, the dragon within demanding to be set free as it roared in your head, drowning out all other sound - even the wary call of your name.

Your eyes flew open to see that your room was no longer dark, light flooding in through the open door from the hallway. Breath catching in your throat, your pupils narrowed to slits, focusing on the dark figure standing in your doorway, instincts and fear rising to the surface to choke you and give you pinpoint clarity. They couldn't have you again. They could never have you again. You would burn the city to the ground before they captured you again. Your legs were bunched under you, ready to spring and explode into dragon form before you sunk your claws into the intruder when the call of your name came again, successfully managing to snap you out of it this time.

You froze, still tense, before your focus widened enough to make out features and recognize the voice.

Aizawa stood in the doorway, his eyes flickering red for a few seconds as he watched you carefully. "(Y/n)?" You could hear the tension in his voice, ready to nullify your quirk if need be.

You took a deep breath, calming your racing heart. The dragon paced, restless, but you forced it back, pushing away all feeling as your blank mask slid into place. "I'm okay. It was just a nightmare." You met his eyes, your pupils no longer slitted. "I'm sorry for waking you."

"Don't worry about it," he sighed, relaxing. "Just know that we're here to help you. No one is going to hurt you here." You'd heard those words many times in the time you had been here, but you still didn't fully understand what they meant or how you should feel about them. Were you even supposed to feel anything when you heard them? You didn't know but you nodded anyway. "Do you need anything?" he asked, yawning.

You shook your head no and he nodded before bidding you goodnight and leaving you to the darkness of your room once more. Leaning back against the headboard with a sigh, you lifted your hands from the singed sheets. It wasn't the first time this had happened and it probably wouldn't be the last. After the first few times it had happened, Recovery Girl had started leaving you a stack of new sheets and comforters in your closet. You would have to change them later, but you probably weren't going to get much more sleep tonight anyway.

Whole New World (Kirishima Eijirou x Dragon!Reader)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum