Surely somepony on the mainland would've realized something is wrong, by now, Sunflower thought. She couldn't help but doubt that help would be arriving any time soon. All she could do is pray to Celestia that she would make it out alive just to see her little sister once again. It's assuring to know that she's currently in safe hooves as of now. That thought alone was enough to comfort her for the while.

She quickly retreated back into the shadows when a large form suddenly soared over head. She prayed that they didn't see her. As soon as they were out of her line of sight, she took a step out of the alleyway. Leaning her head forward and looking both ways before deciding whether or not it's safe to cross. These dragons could be perched on the roof for all she knew. It was so hard to tell because of how dark it truly was. At least some of the streetlights were still working. Although it gave off an eerie vibe. Knowing that something could jump out at you in any moment is enough to cause anyone's skin to crawl. She just had to make it to the next alleyway. Then she should be safe until the next crossing.

She cautiously made her away across. Her eyes constantly darting in very direction as she did so. It was quiet. Too quiet. She jumped and let out a small scream when she heard something suddenly crash behind her. Snapping her head over her shoulder, she was relieved to find out that it was only a rat. "Stupid rodent." she muttered to herself fondly as she watched it retreat into the darkness. But the moment was short lived.

Loud, panicked squeaking was suddenly heard from darkness before coming to an abrupt halt. A sickening sound resembling to bones breaking followed quickly after.

Sunflower suddenly found herself unable to move. She was paralyzed on the spot. She kept her eyes on the darkness as a low growl was heard. Soon a pair of white eyes were revealed. Sunflower felt her heart suddenly begin to beat erratically as the slim dragon slowly crawled out of the dark alleyway in a position similar to a stalking lioness. The dragon wasn't all that big; about the size of five buses stacked on top of one another. And it also didn't seem to have as many scars as the others. Possibly a young one?

She's seen ponies get devoured whole by these dragons, some of which were still alive. The most chilling part about it is that she could still hear their faint, muffled, screams as they slid down the esophagus before becoming silent once they reached the belly of the beast. She was determined not to end up like them. She will see her sister again. Filled with a whole new surge of adrenaline, Sunflower was able to snap back to her senses and bolt out of there.

The dragon suddenly unleashed a deafening distorted roar before it went after her. Spreading its wings and taking one giant leap into the air.

Sunflower dashed down the abandoned street as fast as she could. Dodging anything that got in her way. But what scared her was the fact that these dragons flew in absolute silence; like an owl, to say the most. It only heightened her paranoia levels. She kept her eyes straight ahead, not wanting to look over her shoulder just to find it-him, actually-gaining up on her. The farther she ran, the darker things got.

Eventually she felt her legs begin to weaken out of sheer exhaustion. Her muscles clenched and ached with the utmost pain she's ever felt in her entire life. She was on the verge of collapsing. I've gotta find someplace to hide! she thought frantically. She was fortunate enough to find a wagon that was lying on its side. She leaped over and quickly pressed herself against the interior. Her breathing turned shallow and her stomach seemed to contort and clench in pain from anxiety. It's amazing how one's life can change in the time span of just one day.

She suddenly heard a low, guttural noise coming from the other side of the wagon. Her body froze and it felt like her heart had skipped a beat. It was right next to her. She could feel the wooden plank she was pressed against vibrate slightly. Sharp nails scratched against the paved road and leaving behind thin white scratches.

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